Absolutely not, dulling my senses wile hunting seems like a counter productive idea. After a good/bad day of hunting or during some shooting practice in the back yard with friends, sure.
I will admit there have been a few mornings while we were at camp during rifle season where I still felt drunk when I woke up.
I would never drink while using firearms or bows, and if I ever owned land I would make that a rule. Too many things could go wrong already, don't need to add alcohol into the equation Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I never have. About 20 years ago when i was just starting out bowhunting, alot of the old timers would bring flasks with them to the stand every single time.
Personally speaking I don't drink (might have 1 or 2 beers a yr) and that's on vacation. So for me it's a NO But if I were to go hunting with someone who drank a bit while hunting (I mean a mixture in their soda etc) and as long as they didn't get sloppy drunk or cause issues (like scare the deer away from noise or put themselves or me in any danger) I'd be fine with it I guess. My hunting buddies don't drink though while hunting so this won't ever apply to me. Plus, here in Md if you get caught by DNR under the influence then your butt is in a heap of < Shawn >
Never before or while hunting. I have been known to have a beer once back home or back at camp after the days hunting is finished.
Thanks for being honest. Many good posts in here. Seems like many are all on the same page. Drink after the hunt not before.
im not much of a beer drinker, I prefer bourbon. And during bow season its too damn hot for me. Unless i would be hunting from a trailer with ice on hand it doesnt even sound enjoyable. Now we might be found with a few beers during dove season but thats about it, and that is on private land with only a select few people. Now i have been in not so great shape first thing in the mornings a few times when gun season comes in, and i have a hard time remembering when that didnt lead to a good nap on the stand before i was really hunting.
I guess it's how you view alcohol. I know drinking 2-3 beers over an hour or two would have 0 effect on me especially with food in my belly. Anyone ever go out to dinner and have a couple drinks? Go fishing and knock back a couple? Dove hunting a been mentioned a couple times? There's a big difference between getting drunk and having a couple drinks. I don't think hunting is that different from many other activities, some do. For example I don't care when I see my neighbor bush hogging with a coozy of beer.
It may not effect you, but if you're using a gun while hunting, it may be a felony. So just be mindful of that.
I agree about knowing the laws in your area and I'm not advocating drinking and hunting necessarily just saying all drinking isn't getting drunk. I've always been told here in VA if you are under the influence while hunting it's a Class 1 misdemeanor, under the influence usually being .08 as far as alcohol goes.
No, No, No, No... never in all my years of hunting have I ever had a beer (or any alcohol) while on stand. I've left 'buddies' in the woods and walked out after finding they had liquor with them. Alcohol and hunting just plain does not mix ... except during the celebration of a great day afield back in the cabin, garage (skinnin' a deer) or house. Remember... YOUR life is in the hands of your hunting buddies - do you want them intoxicated and holding a firearm or bow?