Nope. I have a hard enough time with my balance without need to add that danger to hunting out of a tree stand! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have nothing witty....I just dont.....but I crush a couple after....theres always something to celebrate!!!
Never while hunting but the days leading up to opening day rifle season we do. I don't take bow season trips since the season is longer and more tactful whereas rifle season you only have what limited says the state offers so the drinking leading up to the hunt is different depending on the type of hunt. Now if someone harvests something, regardless if it's rifle season or bow season, you bet I'm partying with them.
Not that i'm trying to promote it but also know I'm 4 hours from home on private land and I'm walking 50yd-200yds to a ladder stand. Again I'm not recommending it to anyone I'm just being honest. Done of us are big drinkers and the most Id have in a day is 2 or 3 brews in total. Honestly I could take it or leave it.
I never drink while hunting and very rarely the night before, however I don't mind having a beer or two once I'm back at the house with a dead animal.
Well I'm not gonna lie, I've had a couple beers before at lunch in my cooler or on an evening hunt in the past. Not much of a drinker anymore. FWIW two regulars beers over an hour or more will have 0 impact on me, I wasn't drinking them to get hammered just relax. A guy that goes hunting in the morning after a night of drinking(maybe at hunting camp) would have a significantly higher BAC than the drinking I described above, anyone ever do that? I know...I know...of course not! Question, if your hunting with somebody and you guys take a break midday and go grab some lunch and the guy orders a beer do you have a problem with that?
Not while hunting but afterwords absolutely... especially after I shoot me a mac daddy freak nasty and show him off to all my buddies...
I've been known to do that also for some of my evening sits . I have the same set up as you , 100 - 200 yard walk to most stands . I usually sip it after showing up too early while watching the squirrels though .... don't want anything in my hands but my bow as the sun is setting
I've got buddies in northern WI that do this during the rifle season. I stopped hunting with them about 7 years ago for that reason. I had no problem with a drink or two on the way back to camp at the bar and then a few back at camp, but when they had to also have a couple for lunch out in their blinds while carrying high powered rifles I was done...
Nearly every person I know that drinks while in the woods seeking deer are not hunters...just deer killers. 100% honest truth.
I quit drinking 6 years ago, before starting with a bow, and don't miss it at all. Personally I wouldn't do it while hunting even if I still did. I think having enough to affect me would be a bad idea, or actually horrible idea, and I've gotten different priorities for not having one or a few. Just not worth it to me I guess. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not for me. I've had a beer over lunch maybe thrice in my hunting career. Never on stand. There's no point for me. During rifle season in WI we do drink our share of beer and SoCo Oldfashions in the evenings
I don't drink while in a stand, if I happen to go to lunch during early season I may have one beer. During turkey season if I'm filming for a buddy we usually pack a 6 pack with us. But when it comes to gun hunting I stay 100% sober.
My wife is a general surgeon. About 5 years ago when she was on call a hunter came into the ER in super bad shape from a simple cut on his hand while in the tree stand. They had to give him blood and keep him over night due to the amount of blood lost combined with the beer he consumed after the morning hunt during dinner. Apparently he tried to stop the bleeding up in the stand but when he couldn't he started the climb down only to make the bleeding much worse, then of course the walk back to camp and the long drive to the hospital. My wife had to explain to him that had the walk back been an hour more he would have been in serious trouble.