I drag by the antlers too and I've never had any issues... The legs seem really slippery to me and often have quite a stench with then peeing on their hocks and what not.... Last year I shot a doe a fair ways from the vehicle and just drug it out with my safety harness - just wrapped it around the neck... That worked pretty slick other than I probably wouldn't want to do that with a deer I'm saving the cape on...
I decided to give up dragging deer whenever possible. I bought a Gear Guide deer cart from Sportsman's Guide ($59.97 +S/H). I plan on putting it to good use this season.
A game cart goes with me and is in the vehicle on EVERY hunt. When I get a deer down, I head back to the vehicle, get it out and go wheel them out. I drug deer the first few years I bowhunted, and never again. Ever.
Glenn's Deer Handle..... http://www.deerhandle.com/ Loop around neck, pull handle through loop making a simple "noose," and drag. Best thing I've used!!!
I bought a game cart and it's good for some circumstances but it sucks in others. Particularly if you're short and wimpy like me. I spent forever trying to get a buck onto the cart. I couldn't lift the deer enough to get it on there. Then when I finally did, while I was pulling it out, one wheel hit a deep rut and the whole cart went over. Took me awhile to get it righted again. (should have had video of it, it seems funny now) A company called Game Glide sent me a couple of their disposable game 'sleds' to try out. It seems to be a sheet of heavy poly with some ropes attached. 46% easier dragging, they say. It should help protect the cape too.
I used a game cart last year and I honestly don't think it made it any easier but I was getting the deer mounted. I used my safety harness to strap the deer in which worked perfectly. The problem was the deer was too big for me to lift the cart once I got it loaded. Got some help but it was very difficult to move due to rocks, logs and uneven terrain. Even on flat terrain I couldn't have moved this deer by myself with the cart.
Greg, I had the wheels deployed but mine are the cheaper square ones. I heard the expensive round ones work better than the square ones. Hopefully next year I can afford to get the round ones. If I shoot another buck this year I'm calling you to help out. Clint
I use a strap that goes around my shoulders or across my chest and it has a 6' rope running behind it. I tie off the base of the antlers, tie the front legs up over the antlers to reduce drag and snags and then do a half hitch around the deers nose which keeps the head up and antlers on top and not able to drag. Then comes the fun part...the drag. I love it when there is snow because it goes much easier.
I actually prefer the snow with a thick crust of ice on top, then it's more like the deer is sliding next to you then dragging behind. Then the only thing you have to worry about is staying upright. I have the same type of deer drag, it's a 2 1/2" strap with a d-ring and the rope is tied off onto the d-ring, keep it in my pocket all the time for when it is easier than going back to the truck for the cart.
Seriously... I just shake my head reading some of these posts. You guys have GOT to invest in a game cart for yourselves.
Bucks spar harder then you pull on one when you are dragging. I took a guy out to help me with a nice big doe last year, he threw her on his shoulders and carried her 600 yds. I tried to tell him to let me help him drag her but he insisted. I bet he was sore 2 days later.
I drag with a deer drag by the head or horns. I always put the front legs crossed behind the head to keep them out of the way from catching on anything.
great post! yep grab an antler and yank, helps to have help but if not, usually in the dark i'll walk 100 steps up the path, drop my gear/bow, go back and get the deer and repeat till im outta the woods. i usually hunt alone and have heard horror stories bout guys having heart attacks trying to get thier deer out. i think im in pretty good shape, but im in no hurry neither. i think it is a great way (IMO) to pay homage to the fallen animal by sweating and straining yanking that big dog outta there. nothing against atvs just one of many of my own personal ways of saying thanks to the animal i just harvested =-)
you all work way to hard, if i can't get a truck back to my deer i sure can get a 4 wheeler. I have never had to drag a deer more then 10 yd's
you can always make a deer cart. We took 2 pieces of exhaust pipe, formed a \/ added in some cross bars for the deer to sit on, some rings to tie a rope or strap to, and then pounded the small end pipes at the end of the v flat and mounted a 12" bike wheel to it. bent the big end of the carrier to where it was a comfortable width to come around you on each side, and you just take off with the deer. super easy, and quick. if i don't have my cart, I use horns or rope around the neck of a slickhead