I always see on TV how after guys shoot a buck they drag it out by its antlers. I've been lucky enough to have taken a couple bucks and to me it seems like a good way to rip off the antlers, I always pull by the legs. What do you guys do? I'm I too paranoid about it? Sorry for the dumb question.
I personally pull them from they head with a rope.. antlers most of the time have to be put under a lot of pressure to be ripped off.. my suggestion- tie rope round neck and drag!
I have been using the HME pro series deer drag for the last few years. It fits easily in my backpack. This deer drag has a heavy-duty webbing drag strap that goes around the neck of the deer (antlers or not). The other end of the drag is connected to a strong all-metal handle. It can be used as a one-or-two person drag. You can also connect it to an atv. This is a quality product and can often be picked up for under $10. This deer drag has served me well. I even picked up one for my brother and father. Here is a ebay posting. http://cgi.ebay.com/HME-Pro-Series-use-w-ATV-Deer-Drag-Archery-Hunting-NIP-/140435418092?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20b29a6bec Good luck this season. C
i always drag by the antlers, if you pull by the hind legs you are pulling against the fur making it very much harder to drag! and if pulling by the front legs the head and antlers always seem to snagging on stuff.
Yep by the antlers for me also, If I killed a buck it is one I want to mount and I don't want any rope marks on the fur around the neck..
Same here. The only time I'd worry about pulling the antlers off is late season and I still wouldn't worry much about it then.
pulling the deer from the rear is a great way to screw up a mount. the hair will be all messed up and never put a rope around a deers neck that will also screw up a mount
So does everyone just use their hands and pull? What do the people do to connect the drag strap off your safety harness to a buck?
I use an old safety belt(pre harness days)and loop it around the neck and put the other loop over my shoulder.and it works for me.
Yes to these. No worries on pulling them off until late season. For does I use the Drag Buddy. Works great.
I put the buck's front legs up behind the antlers, then take my pull up rope (3/8 camo rope, 40ft long), triple it up and tie one end around feet/neck behind antlers, knot behind antlers, run the leading edge between, put the rope over my shoulder and pull. I do have a cart and if I am in, or can get to, cartable territory I will go get it.
You don't by chance have a pic you can post or e-mail me Bruce do you? I'm having trouble picturing it. Luckily the bucks I've dragged out of the woods I had someone to help. Probably won't be the case this year. I have the HSS vest which has the strap for a deer drag. I was just planning on wrapping the rope around the antlers a bunch of times and then tieing it off. But I like to hear other ideas.
No pics. Think of it as putting the front feet up behind the bucks ears, then tying the rope around the neck right behind the ears.
I usually used the front legs and all the deer I've dragged I have had my dad or my brother help me. but one of us usually has a leg in one hand and the antlers in the other(just keeping them off the ground not pulling with them), its not real practical. having to hold the antlers up.
I should have added in my first post that I don't recommend using the deer drag I mentioned if you plan to have the deer mounted. I agree with the posts above that it would likely ruin the mount. I do recommend such a deer drag for deer taken that are antlerless, smaller bucks, or simply those you don't plan to put on the wall. I would guess that the vast majority of deer taken aren't hung on the wall. I mainly hunt solo, often a decent walk from the truck, and I find it useful having a (under $10) quality deer drag in my pack. Not a bad option to have in my opinion. If you're blessed in taking a buck you would like to mount than you can simply grab some antler, use a cart, or what have you. C