Let me first say that I love my matrix... I really do. But maybe it's me, maybe I'm being picky but there are a few things that I think for $400 could be improved... a LOT. I've hunted out of it a lot and shot a lot of stuff out of it for sure, I have no quams about the quality of the product. I love the cotton fabric, silent slide windows, no sheen... all that good stuff. But how much extra would it cost the manufacturer to camo the window flaps and to sew a backpack strap on the bag? Carrying something that weighs 25lbs by a nylon strap gets extremely old after about 300 yards let alone a half mile. I guess I can't complain too much, if I had it to do all over again... I'd probably buy another one but some things just make me want to
I have never had one probably because i think there slightly over priced but I agree that could do that!
No kidding, this is the first year I tried carrying my T5 with my bow as to get a Turkey for the contest. It is no small task if your not sure where the birds are. Quality yes it is good but I fail to realize why they are as expensive as they are.
i guess there maybe worth the money if you use ground blinds a lot but I can just buy a cheapie for a one or two time I use one each year.
Just head to walmart and buy the standard fieldline backpack....its camo, and its $25. The DB Matrix and a four legged small chair slide into it so perfectly you would think it was made for them. Very comfortable load to carry this way, and frees up both hands. The window flaps being black slightly annoys me too. How about a roof that is 100% waterproof at all the seams? I got mine for pennies on the dollar though, so I certainly have no room to complain...
I couldn't agree more. In fact, a buddy of mine sewed his own backpack straps on it.....and it is MUCH easier to carry. The wild thing pack is nice, but good god man......that's a lot of freakin coin for something that, as you say, should come with them anyway.
Hmm My Predator Den blind in Predator Camo retails at $129 and has back-packing straps on the carry case.. I like it a lot!
for as much as those blinds cost they should have everything, shouldnt have to go and buy more stuff so its more convienent.
Good point but you can buy an DogHouse blind (nothing special) for 70-80 bucks and that comes with a pack and backpack straps. which makes it great for a turkey hunt or deer hunt in a new spot.
I don't own a Matrix.. but I would agree on the stupidity of anyone making a blind that retails for $400.00 and doesn't have all the necessities it should. You have reason to get (at least mildly) upset. I remember the old Lone Wolf stands.. when the seats were just a piece of 1/2" foam.. like seriously.. you make this great piece of equipment then you give me this little thing to sit on for 100 hours? Contact the company.. people did with LW stands.. eventually they got the point.
My ASAT Blind came with it's own pack that DOES have back pack straps. Blends well with a lot of backdrops especially standing corn. Another thing I really like about it is it has loops and tie downs to stick brush in and hold it there in the wind. And I think I might know someone that has an affiliation with ASAT.
My Ameristep blind for $49.99 has already got me/friends this far in 09: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldWmP7fKZlA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlwZI8MhtUk What more could you ask out of a blind?
The only I know of is Rhino Lab Blinds. They are of the same or better quality as DB (trust me), retail at $250-300 instead of $400-450. The camo zip up case has its own padded shoulder straps sewn in. Same hub style, maybe slightly (few inches) smaller in dimensions. Windows are just as open, but use magnets sewn in rather than slide adjustments. Predator camo as well. If I didn't already own a DB, I would definitely buy this one instead.
How bout converting a military alice pack to carry that blind. As for me, I've got my $50 ameristep blind, which works well enough. Granted it's a little smaller, but for one guy, perfect. the only thing I wish it had was magnetic windows instead of zippers.
I agree that they need back pack straps but the flaps are black on the Dark Horse for a reason.Or atleast they claim it is so when you have to lower a flap to get a shot,that the back ground does not change and therefore,you will not be spotted lowering a flap. They illustrate this in the dvd that comes with the blind and it makes sense.
I know it's a little more Money but well worth it. I've used the rackpack for two years now and would be in the woods without it!! they run around $150.00 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30UXzQY4-fI