Love seeing the new products out there, but why are companies telling us in the videos to check them out on their website, then the new products aren't there. example summit treestands.
They say this every single year and every year I ***** about it. :p Doesn't seem to have done any good. :p
Yep...I'm pissed every year about it myself......and I thought I was the only one who was like this...LOL....You can bet it will be February or later before they will have the new products on their sites....Some of them, not all of them... April 2016 most will, and some will wait around till summer.... Creeks
A lot of the companies have information on their new products on their site they just don't have them in their online stores yet. I find a lot of the information under news, but then you have companies like Stealthcam who still have "The New G-Series" posted in 2014 lol
It's important to remember that this show isn't actually for the general public. It's an opportunity for companies to showcase to buyers what their upcoming product lines are going to be and get their first round of orders placed. Most of these products won't hit shelves until spring or even as late as fall. Many are prototypes that don't have full functionality. Like the New Havalon Knives for instance. It was a prototype with stamped blades that didn't even fold out. Just remember, this is a sneak peak, not a full product roll out like you'll see when a product is ready to ship.
It's fun to get a sneak peak but it's so hard to wait for Christmas especially when you know what you're getting!
QAD MDX MBG pure driven No info anywhere! But I get it, this is the unveiling to retailers, we're lucky enough to get a look. Having websites ready to roll out the minute the info hits is probably not an option especially for the smaller companies. These clips will also be on YouTube so 6 months from now it gives the website a plug when info will be available.
Just to add onto what Fritz said... I interviewed one clothing manufacturer and they had samples on the floor in one color and then handed me a catalog and said, "the top will be in that color, but not the bottom." I spoke to another rep and he showed me what I thought was a really cool concept, but they knew it had a little wrinkle in the design and it was being fixed. Yet another had clothing prototypes and told me "Well, we're cutting that cuff a bit and changing this zipper out." I could go on and on. Dealers were there to gather information and place orders. It was a very different atmosphere than any consumer show I've been to. Everyone working the show (reps, dealers, press) had a specific job to do. We (meaning everyone in attendance) tried to be very respectful of everyone's time and not get in each others way when someone had a job to do. The ATA is different than anything I'd seen before. And all I can say is, the archery community is very fortunate that these companies/dealers allow the press in to cover it like we do. They don't have to in my opinion. They could make everyone wait until a company puts up their own vids/prints their own catalogs--when products are ready to ship. They could make it so that the dealers/outfitters at the big box stores would be your primary source of information. Instead they allow media outlets like in there to give you a sneak peak of what is going to be hitting the store shelves down the road. I think that's a pretty cool deal myself.
I think it costs them sales when they do this. A lot of people as "Impulse Buyers" and they miss out on this. I know I won't go back and look for all the items that got my interest at the ATA. If it isn't something I need, it can wait. Maybe one day they will wake up and realize this!
Yea I tried to look at the new xop hang on and it wasn't on the website. Even after they said check it out on our website
They do plenty of Sportsman-type shows, open to the public --impulse buyers especially--throughout the year. Personally, I think you should send them a nice "Thank You" note Sam. You get sneak peaks at all the cool and interesting things and they saved you money by keeping those tempting "impulse buys" safely behind closed doors
In regards to the previous comments, I agree they don't have to let media in, but I do think it is to their advantage. We are talking about their new products and anxiously awaiting information. What more could a manufacture ask for? I also don't think it costs them any sales on new product. I know for a fact that i am waiting on info, specifically pricing on a few things before I track down 2015/left over models.
Its very simple thing to do.....they only need to build the updated website with all of the new products prior to heading out to the ATA. once the ATA is open they have their web designer upload the new web page to the active server. There is no excuse for not having g these items on their website u less they are just concepts and aren't ready for production. I. That case, they shouldn't be showing them as production items.
I'm well aware of what it takes to update a webpage, however it does not mean these companies are prepared to roll out their marketing prior to the ata, production may not even be ready. Especially the little guy.
I can tell you that the QAD MDX they had at the show is not in full production yet. Kevin showed me the rest and explained more about it. That rest is definitely for the shooter that wants to make every little adjustment possible to their set up. If I'm not mistaken they will be hitting the stores just before turkey season.
From the viewpoint of someone who works in online sales, getting people to your website is 75% of the battle. These videos provide them with the traffic, and impulse buyers more often than not still buy something.
My thoughts are if you have marketing material available at the show then it should be available online the same day. Of course there are always going to be exceptions but that shouldn't be the norm. The show really isn't restricted to dealers and the media. I'd venture to say there is just as many people that shouldn't be there as there should be.