I set out my tree stand on a new property Sunday. It's about 30 yards inside the woods with multiple trails leading to a u-shaped food plot. Got my camera set-up and hope to share some great pics by this coming weekend. For my efforts, I got a big mess of chiggers!
I feel for ya. I've faired well with the bugs during set ups and scouting this year. I'm looking forward to colder days when the bugs are gone. C
I got covered with chiggers twice this year. 1 week apart. Is it me or does it seem there is more this year than the past five years. I've never got chiggers before. I hunt in southern new jersey.
put up a few trail cams two weeks ago and got into a batch of seed ticks and chiggers real bad, went out with no spray on just trying to be as scent free as i could my legs look like i took a ice pic to them. come on frost.
I tried using off earlier and that didn't last long. Fired up the Thermacell and no mas bugs. Going to try the Earth scent pretty soon to see how the smell is.