Amen to that. Bitz is the only way to go. If you get two of them and some quick setting adhesive, by the time you get done with one, you can go to the next. Back and forth with no down time makes is fast to get a dozen arrows done!
A couple of corrections due to my ignorance. Correction on the glue. I used Pine Ridge products instant glue not Bohnings like I thought. Second, I did call the Arizona EZ fletcher company. First off, it's a 6 degree helical turn not 15 like I had read somewhere. Second, the issue w/the fletcher itself, turns out that it was operator error. There is a collar that u slip over the arrow and onto the arms. As soon as I told the guy my probem w/the one vane "peeling" off to one side he immediately told me what I was doing wrong. I was pushing the collar on too tight. He said, all I should do is just slip onto the arms. The collar is meant to just hold the arms together, not compress them. By me forcing the collar on tightly, it compresses the those vanes unevenly. I knew there wasn't something going right as the last time. Last yr, it was a breeze and very fast. So for now, I'll use this thing until I get some scratch together for a bitz. Thanks all for your input.
Pine Ridge glue is a fairly fast setting glue, but you should still be waiting a couple of minutes to let compression plus set-up time work to your advantage. Glad you got things straightened out!
The little "suction cup" feature on the new fusion vanes are friggen sweet. Absolutly the easiest fletch I have ever fletched
I've heard that the fusion vanes are a little taller than the blazers? is that true? I guess the Fusion vanes have a more flexible base than the vane itself. I'm going to have to buy some more blazers due to the fact I've got a hundred pack to use up.