Ow heres a couple of fellas you might know to whom truly believe in Scent-Loc does help,question is what do they have on underneath that camo?? LOL Hope this turns out. Rocky
i think we as hunters need to be clean and cautious about the scent we let off while in the tree. that is the best way to stay undetected to be clean. simple enough, as for the question does it work im not sure but if it betters my chances one percent its worth it to me.
Gotta love Raceway's clever analogy. It's like someone asking if a water balloon really holds water, then someone telling them to stick the nozzle of their pressure washer inside a balloon, pull the trigger and see if water comes out the other end. Activated carbon can and does adsorb odors, it's been scientifically proven again and again. It's used in a variety of industries outside of hunting for just that reason. That said, it's only as effective as you make it. No, you can't not shower for days on end, stink to high heaven, and expect it to protect you from a deer that's downwind. However, if you are careful in your scent control routine it can add a measure of protection that MAY help you when you need it. It's not 100% effective and won't work every time, but as long as it works some of the time you bet I'll be using it. ScentBlocker all the way.
So seeing as it works some of the time for you. It has the ability to work all the time for others, like myself. It all depends how it is used. If it is used with a much broader scent control system, activated carbon clothing does work ALL the time for this hunter.
Wow I hate this topic every time it comes up, It is like politics on steroids. I do not believe in scent loc,does that mean it doesn't work no way.. If you get even that 2 seconds you need to draw your bow then it worked 100% for you. If you get busted and no shot then you think it sucked.. I say the same as Justin on this one I believe if you have a good clean start to your hunt and you do all you are suppose to do it can HELP... I still believe 100% in Ozonics because I have seen the deer down wind look up and keep feeding... If you believe it will help you then by all means use it we need every advantage we can get when we are in there woods..Walt
If I hunted naked and rubbed moss from the woods on my crotchial region, then proceeded to have deer feed downwind of me undisturbed, could I then claim that moss rubbed on my crotchial region should not be questioned as to it's effectiveness in preventing deer from winding me?
Of course, then you could make millions bagging it and telling hunters to spread it on their junk and not worry about the wind. Caution-- This could lead to a lawsuit where you end up spending Millions of dollars to defend ScentMoss when hunters get busted downwind and Scientists testify that the Moss is not 100% effective.
"I still believe 100% in Ozonics because I have seen the deer down wind look up and keep feeding..." Well my friend, I can say the same regarding Scent-Lok, because I have seen the deer down wind look up and keep feeding... Time and time again...just like in Ground Zero
if you have never used it then you should not be posting on it. if your old school then you will never change your ways anyway. this stuff works. for all who have never used it go to your penny jar take it to the bank and buy your self some! me and my buddy dont hunt the wind anymore and have tons of success. i dont have the time to not hunt because of the wind. get out there and hunt, F the wind!!!!
There is nothing old school about stating the facts. I have never used cocaine yet I believe I could post some info/opinions about its nature based on scientific fact.
The Ozonic's model that you want for treestand hunting is the HR-200. If a guy is having the same luck I am with deer not busting them downwind using "whatever"; then I would urge you to continue using it. My problem is that #1 - I sweat like a pig. If there is anyone who sweats more than me, I'd like to meet them. Second problem, I hunt in a lot of different areas and also do quite a bit of running and gunning. I build up more sweat than most hunters I think just due to my style of hunting (which works for me). Third problem, I can't stand wearing a facemask, and with any other system, if you aren't filtering your breath, your missing 90% of the odor problem. I'm not about to wear a sergery mask while hunting. It's just stupid IMO when we have the Ozonic's technology. I've used all the other stuff and got busted as though I was doing nothing. Now I've found a way that works for me, and if it works for me, it will work for you! And again, it's guaranteed to work. Its the only product I will back because as soon as you use it, you will thank me and it will end up making myself and my company look better to anyone who tries it. There isn't another product out there that I can say that about which is why I have never worked with any other scent elimination company. Carbon absorbs scent no-doubt. Try to convince me that a specific garment has enough active carbon that it truely eliminates enough human odor for a period of time that you can fool a whitetails nose. I won't even get into the whole effective period or time of a particular garment. Also, you need to prove it. Dogs can smell a human wearing a carbon suit, so why would I believe a deer couldn't? We have proven it works, and no-one else has or will because I don't believe there is another product out there that can do what Ozonic's does because of the constant production of the Ozone gas the kills all odor, not just some, or a portion of some. Why? Because the machine pumps out so darned much ozone that it over-powers human odor to make the human scent charactoristic disapeer. Not just one or twice a season, but like 95% of the time effective with deer straight down wind! The only time it doesn't work is when the wind is ripping hard or you don't have your machine truly over your scent stream.
Todd, do you just hang the Ozonics above you? Or set it at your feet? Second, do or can wind currents effect the Ozonics ability to distribute the ozone evenly around the stand.. for example, did you run into any high winds defeating the purpose of using the ozonics? Thanks
What happens when the wind swirls then what do you have to help you out. Other than trying to keep clean befor you go out. Everyone worries way too much about the wind. All it does is affect where and when u hunt and for me I don't have enough days and stand locations to be that picky choosy.
Todd, you are exactly right about sweating a lot and finding scent control system that works according to your style. For you it's Ozonics all the way. It has been proven that when a body sweats profusely, Scent-Lok can't absorb the odor fast enough. No argument against that. Scent-Lok reps I have spoken with will even tell you that. I don't like wearing a face mask either, but I wear one for camo and scent control. I feel exposed if I don't (confidence factor). Scent-Lok is designed for hunters that take moisture control seriously along with the other precautions to make it effective. For the past five seasons, I have proven Scent-Lok to myself, my friends and plenty of mature deer that were straight downwind of me. Someday I plan to document it more officially, but for now all I know is it works
I've used a Scent Blocker suit since '05. To me it's just another tool in my bag. I still play the wind, wash, and spray down everything I wear. It's not a cure to all scent control, but it does work.
dogs can find drugs in gas tanks. so i think the dog thing is kinda a bs statement in the hunting world unless your hunting dogs. so i would also say dont use gas as a cover scent. it must not work. which would lead me to say that cover scents must not work either, so why use them. as you can see were im going with this. theres NO doubt about it. it is scientifically proven that scent lok work. it will cut down on odor...FACT. so that would mean it helps. why would you not wear it? you should be doing everything you can to cut down on scent. now for what i came in here to post about. so what are the deer mostly smelling? most of you scent come out you mouth... again FACT. so what can we do to cut down on mouth odor? there are gums out there and a herbal supplement called chlorophyll. research it. it works.