It depends on where I'm sitting. Some stands I expect to see lots of deer and wonder what happend if I didn't see any. Other stands it's perfectly normal to see no deer on a particular sit. But I don't usually hang stands with the intent on not seeing deer out of them.:D
Yes and no. Like others have stated there are certain stands that I expect to see deer out of everytime I hunt them. I have other sets that I don't really see many deer out of, but I figured that when I put them up. If I have multiple outings without any sightings, then I get concerned and usually end up doing something stupid or uneccesary instead of going with what I had planned.
In regards to a single hunt. Doesn't really matter. But if I start stringing several hunts together & I'm not seeing deer I get pretty ticked & frustrated
Not if I am hunting a single buck, in the early season, especially in Sept/Oct. Old mature bucks rarely frequent areas in the daylight, they do not use them daily nor do they move much except for last light. So it often takes several sits to catch them on their feet in the right spot. There are no mast crops or ag crops, the best shot at catching a big boy in the early season is in a clearcut in these mountains. Rarely do I see does in and around the old bucks bedding areas. So I dont expect to see many does either in the early season. During the rut heavy scraping, seeking and tending phases which starts about the, 2nd week of Nov and runs till Dec's first week here, I expect to see much more daylight deer movement but expect MUCH less to see the buck I am after. That time of they year is a catch 22 for me, I love the movement but often dont see my big buck holding to his tight core area. Hes often gone for days at a time. During the late season/post rut I expect to see the highest amount of deer I will see on stand if and only if I have enough snow/cold enough temps to make it happen. Those are fun hunts for me because I get the most action at a stand.
It still bothers me, but like others stated, it depends on my spot, some I am set up on for one particular deer and really could care less if I see does, but if I am hunting a food source, then I worry that I am doing something wrong.
I guess it all depends on the amount of time you have to hunt. sometimes (specially early season) Ill climb down and still hunt,or make a ground blind and sit, you would be amazed on what you not seeing due to the tree canopy. I just woundnt recommend walking around , find a spot and dig in, commit and glass. you will see deer, make notes of where and when they are moving. and adjust on the next hunt. cameras are only as good as the place you set them, ive have sat and watched deer use the same finger every night but never the same trail on it the camera only got a few pics on that one night they walked THAT trail. tree canopy hides alot.
If i dont see deer, i always feel like i am doing something wrong. its bad when i go outside my usual places and expect to see a ton, but i always have fun when i am out, and find something to do.......Brick breaker on my cellphone has a 1million point high score :O
Yep it bothers me to. I usually have a slow start to the season but this one has been exciting so far. I have seen Deer on almost every sit so far, three different locations!!
I hate not seeing a deer and am not happy if I don't have one come in range per hunt. Out of 15 hunts so far... Only 1 hunt not seeing a deer. 3 hunts not having deer in range counting the hunt above. 12 hunts with 18 does... 7 fawns... 7 bucks in range ( 30 yards and under ) Tim
I have seen one deer so far this year, and that was on the way back to my truck in the evening. I know they are out their, it is just a matter of time. We dont have the population of deer here like the midwest and I understand that. Sure I would love to see more deer but where I am it is not realistic.
I hunt where I'm not going to see deer. I'm trying to see THE deer. Doesnt' bother me at all. I could always jump in another stand and see a bunch of pretty does and 1.5 year old bucks about everyday. But that doesn't interest me early on.
yeah it does make you wonderin if you doing something wrong at times...i understand that alot of you guys on here..have better Buck to doe ratio's, and overall just better places that hold deer, bigger wood plots and you guys seeing at least 6 to 12 deer a pretty awesome. If i knew i was going to go out and see that many deer each day..i really dont think i would leave my stand. The only time i see that many deer if its gun season and we are driving deer. Im happy with just having deer in my presence. or anywhere i can see them. Ill take a shot when its giving to me and make the best of it, but its hard around here early season. its so so thick and corn is up all over here. However, they are taking it down as of today. and some other places.
Doesn't bother me. When I have no intent what so ever of killing a doe, excluding the rut of course, I could care less if I see one. Seeing a doe is about the same as seeing nothing when my mind is set on killing one of 3-4 bucks (that I know of) roaming a property. I care about what I see a heck of a lot more than how much I see. I also except the fact that just because I am there does NOT mean I will see anything in sight.