That hunters are frequently lied to, fed exaggerated claims, sold crappy products.........and just in general we are marketed to as a desperate, gullable and overall unintelligent group. It pisses me off. Exaggerated bow speeds Attractant scents that no one can explain how that much volume is produced "Fresh" scents that have been on store shelves for years Blinds and camo that stick out worse then me at a liberal convention Deer calls that all sound different Garbage broadhead designs and/or quality control (sometimes legal issues as well) That a cannon or 90lbs KE is needed to kill a deer Carbon clothing and even worse........sprays Price hikes on bows EVERY year That EVERY year the new bows are the quietest, fastest, smoothest things EVER Gimmick after gimmick after gimmick all sold with a picture of a 180" class buck on the tag This is ultra frustrating to me..........and makes me appreciate the honest, quality companies that are out there even that much more.......I just wish I could go to an outdoors show, watch hunting videos, and visit sporting goods stores and see more of them and less of the snake oil salesmen.
Years ago I was that guy that bought into that stuff, the stuff I thought I needed to kill deer! At this point I couldn't be any farther from that guy! Kinda funny when I look back on it now! There sure are some marketing geniuses out there! Think about it, "hunt 360" or "forget the wind just hunt", brilliant!
I would like to know who these companies are that are so that I might look into their products. Thanks, LAEq
I hear ya there and then some!! Some of these jackass's that run these Archery Pro shops are telling these new comers that come In to buy a bow for the 1st time that these bows can shoot out to 60 and 70 yards without a problem for hunting because there super fast. I've heard them say It when I've been at these pro shops. I'd like to punch em right In the kisser when I hear them say It!!:evil:
I really don't care, in the least. It's part of being a smart shopper, and doing your research before buying something It's like anything else, there are gimicks in every walk of's where the research comes in.
Some young kid Isn't going to realize that though. It's just like these mechanic shops taking advantage of a woman saying they need this or that for there vehicle when they don't.
I quit caring about archery products a long time ago. There's are only three things that matters in this game - Time, Skill, and Location.
There are WAY WAY many more important things in life than to care about this. It happens everywhere in every industry that sells you a product.
It definitely bothers me,more so just because some of the products sold or claims made are just rediculous.Archery/Hunting is not isolated though in this regard.There are examples of this in many,many area's of interest.It seems the more challenging some thing is the easier it is to market the qick success gimmick.
As correct as you's the entire retail industy, not exclusive to hunters. Everybody is marketing something to make a buck. The home cook is another one that is marketed to heavily. Look at all the kitchen gadgets that are out there. The consumer as a whole is treated as a complete idiot.
Thread title: Does it ever bother you..... No, not in the least. It is what it is and I look past it to what I prefer. No different than any other walk of life or product.
personally It dosent bother me. Ill go the path i think is the right one for me in the gimmick world. If i think it is crap, ill stay away from it. The way i look at it is this. The industry does inspire alot of people to get interested in the hunting word, gimmics or no gimmics. If it helps people take this path (hunting), well then thats just more power for us. I agree, some of it is bull, but we cant do much but look past it.
Another thing we agree on. Some companies in all industries take advantage of consumers,nature of the beast.We as consumers need to do OUR part to protect ourselves.
Nope doesnt bother me a bit, some will figure out for themselves what works for them and what doesnt as with life in general, some won't ever and some will just enjoy bitching about it the rest of their lives.
Nope... for a couple of reasons: 1.) It doesn't matter what industry we're talking about... it's all the same. 2.) Nobody forces to be buy or believe anything... it's all about choice. 3.) The reason they keep doing "it" is because there are people that buy their product, listen to their claims... etc. Everyone is in business to make a profit and luckily for business... not everyone has the same opinion about whats good and bad.
Like others who have posted before me.. It doesn't bother me. I don't get into too much stuff ever.. and it's not like the hunting industry is unlike every other industry. They're all the same.
I get a kick out of it to be honest. Nothing beats a Saturday afternoon trip to my local Cabela's where I can watch guys show up in their sweet Fishing shirts with patches on them, looking all sponsored. The guys with the head to toe camo talking about the MONSTER they almost shot last season. The guys debating which doe pee is best and telling stories about their close encounters with mega booners. I often walk into these places and quickly see who is full of beans and who can actually hunt. The hunters are usually quiet, not needing help and have too little time to talk smack with the guys behind the counter. There is a market for everything and there will always be buyers of products regardless of the effectiveness of the products. Those that can market crap like it is gold reap the rewards, those buying it eventually realize what is crap and what isn't and mature to the scams only to be replaced by the next gullible shopper. Capitalism at its finest!
Today we all need to be educated consumers not only in archery products but in all things. Those in retail are in the business of making money; it’s up to the consumer to what they are buying and how much they are willing to spend. With advent of the World Wide Web we have the world at our finger tips; there is no excuse for trusting in an advertising campaign, or an overzealous salesperson.
Thats a shame. You'd think people would NOT want a new bowhunter out there flinging arrows at 60-70 yards.. Thats ridiculous. But I guess its all part of how some shops sell bows. Lie and "persuade".. :computer:
Atlas at this point I am will to try about anything to kill Mr. Mass, LOL I may be hunting in a pair of chaps and pumps this year if I am convince it will work. Hunting gadgets are great, I bought my first call in 11 years this year. All I did with it is run off a couple of button bucks that would not leave. Hunters buy these things for many reasons. 1. Just like to try new things and are always looking to improve their hunting in some way. 2. Some just want to keep up with the Jone's 3. Some feel the need for them as a confidence booster. They "think" they need them to be succesful. 4. Some use them to try and make up for their short comings. Not ment to be a put down at all. Some may be in a poorer location and use a gadget to draw the deer to them. Some may not have a lot of cover and feel the need to use cover scent. Who could not use a deer mirror blind? No it does not bother me at all, on a clear crisp fall morning nothing bothers me, not even big bucks these days.