If so to what extend and what is her main gripe? My wife hates hunting season. Mainly because she has this thought in her head that whenever I'm not working I should let her sit around . Haven forbid I even think about doing something on my off day. I can't wait until my son is old enough to hunt we may never be home lol. Just wondering everyone else situation?
No troubles at all. She is extremely understanding & supportive. Although it seems fairly common, I REALLY don’t understand the concept of being in a situation where the wife/girlfriend would give me a hard time about going hunting.
Nah, it's all the smoking, drinking, and women that make her mad She does get tired of me "not being around all fall" but after 7 years of marriage she goes with the flow a lot better now. She still isn't happy about my getting a lease in IN so now I have two states to hunt all fall and winter, but like anything she'll get used to it. If was really an issue I would drop the lease, but she just likes to give me a hard time about it really.
My wife is great about it. But, I don't go on extended hunting trips to exotic places either. Most of my hunts are behind the house or a few mile drive and then I'm home shortly after sundown.
Do things around the house and for the family year round and hunting season is a breeze. If you slack, women know and unleash fire hell!
Ya know....after thinking about that......I think you may be right!....lol (just kidding, Dan) I feel the same way. I'd defer to anyone who's ever hunted here with me as to whether or not she's supportive....and a fanatastic hostess, though. I definitely outkicked my coverage.
My g/f gets a little frustrated at the end of November If I'm still deer hunting. She's gotten better but she's got some work to do yet. This year has been the best she's ever been. Hopefully It continues. I can say this that the better things go at home with the misses the better I am out In the woods as a hunter.
My wife gets Jealous... It's not that I wouldn't take her with me "sometimes"... but she takes it upon herself to go and hunt with her Grandfather.... I commend her for doing that for the sentimental value... she just wants to kill a bigger deer than I do...lol. Now if she could go off and hunt by herself... I'd be golden...lol.
My wife gets pretty upset when I go down to Brown Co. to hunt for long weekends, she hates being alone for long periods. This year I have hunted more than ever and she has been pretty understanding considering I have hunted anywhere from 3-7 days a week all season. She is trying to figure out why I still haven't shot a buck and I am running out of excuses, so the last month has been filled with compromises and less hunting I am trying to talk her into Shed Hunting with me and the dogs so hopefully it will get her a little more involved
Siman.... Many of these guys will tell you that there's likely a difference in attitude when the misses becomes a Mrs.
If you don't put any effort into your relationship and family obligations during the off-season then try to go out in the woods 4-5 days a week come hunting season....you are in for hell if you wife/gf/bf gets a little ticked about something even very miniscule.