I continue the nanny whacking with two nice does this afternoon..shot one with the Rage and one with Slcik Trick!! both were great!! I still don't know how to upload that well! this makes 3 does the 1st week! http://s782.photobucket.com/albums/yy108/Vabowman/
they were both equal to me. but the Rage had more blood, but the Slick trick dropped her in sight, th erage dropped one just 10 yards out of sight..
Great Job VA!! Do you have to tag one prior to shooting another? In Ohio, we do. That's awesome... good shooting!
Awesome Landon, congrats on the double! Looks like you're freezer is gonna be a little fuller, nicely done.
Thanks guys! We can kill two deer a day and tag em at the same time in Va. So I shot one and the crowd split up and I looked up about 5 minutes later and one came back, so I tried the Slick Trick on her at 12 yds and it was awesome! I was out of the woods and loaded up by 5:30! I took both deer to the processor, hamburger and tender loin steaks for a while! I hope everyone has a great season here and now I just need a buck to move by in the next few weeks. I will shoot more does but Im going to try to hold off for a few days!