not hunt for the trophy's, or the bucks? I haven't really seen anyone posting a thread about getting a doe...I don't know about you guys, but I'm in it for the meat. Of course, it was nice to have my first deer a 10 Pointer, but from now on, I can tell you for a fact I'm going for (mostly) does. Opinions, comments, etc are welcome. :D /rant
i think alot of guys hunt for just meat. i do, i try to get a mature deer, the bigger and older the better, doe or buck. plus hunting a mature doe is every bit as difficult as hunting those mature bucks, mabey harder
I enjoy hunting for both. I love shooting mature big bucks for more than the obvious but for the extra meat as well. I shot two does this year that combined didn't give me more meat than my buck.
Should have been here when the seasons first came in, doe whacking threads left & right. I think in most cases where seasons & bag limits allow, guys hunt for a buck that trips thier trigger, but still take does when they can. Personally, I don't think I've ever met a doe I didn't want to shoot But I'm not going to shoot just any buck for the sake of doing so.
Ive made 3 threads about the does ive killed, A deer with a bow is a deer with a bow, end of story :D