I am shooting Zwickey Eskimos, 125's, they fly great and only run me about 18.00 to 19.00 per 6 when I find them on sale. They are easy to sharpen and I like a simple two blade design. I am just wondering if anyone has had any bad experiences with Zwickeys? Thanks..
Troy, I know one thing about them...They look wicked when they are sharp.:evil: Some of the trad heads just have that look about them, like they can do bad things. Bobby
I doubt that you'll hear anything bad about them Troy. The only reason I've never used them Is because I prefer a vented blade. Zwickeys are very durable, my dad shot them for years!! Good choice!!
"Does anyone have anything bad to say about Zwickeys?" There name is stupid! There. I said something bad about them. but that's all I could come up with... They do look cool.
While not having any personal experience with them, when doing a lot of trad research, I've not heard (or read) a bad thing about them.
Best I can do, is tell you I've used the Delta's since the early 80's... and I still use them. They work!! period... They are extremely strong and fly perfectly. There are other's that work well also but you can't go wrong with a Zwicky. woodsman