This year, I bought a good set of bino's before this season and I love hunting with them. One of the best uses I have found for them is improving my bloodtrailing. After the normal post-shot routine of watching the deer's departure and noting the time, I use my bino's. I scan the area where the deer was standing to make note of small features that will positively identify the site on the ground. I look for my arrow and I look for blood. I shot eight deer with the bow this season and four of the blood trails were visible with the bino's but not visible with the naked eye. By the time you get done using your bino's, your waiting period may be over and your blood trailing job may be off to a solid start. It's much more producitve then sitting in the stand staring at your watch.
Oh most certainly. I've always said that binos become very important after the shot. I even have a write up laying around somewhere with that very same suggestion. :cool Great post.
I have done this for every deer that I have shot since I bought a pair of quality binos. In fact, the last deer I took, I spent like 15 minutes looking for my arrow after I shot. It was stuck in the ground 8 yards away, but for some reason I just couldn't see it at first. Once I saw it covered in bright pink blood I was able to sit back and relax