How big his antlers are? I'm sure he has some idea from how heavy they are, how much he bumped stuff while in velvet, ect. But in all honestly, how would a deer even know what his headgear looks like? (Inspired by Pats decoy videos and watching those young bucks presenting there heads to fight)
To an extent, I'm sure. General size anyways. I've seen massive bulls come through some nasty tangles while barely touching a limb with any tine.
Sure... Look at how cocky they are the older they get and the way they move, do they know...I tend to think so.
Yes, they know how big their antlers are. I'm guessing if we had to walk around with stuff like that we would too without really looking.
They know how big they are because all the bucks in the woods get together and sit around and measure them!!!! LOL
Hahaha some good stuff on this thread, but in all honesty i believe they figure out how big their antlers are by bumping into stuff as well.
I imagine its alot like a high school football locker room and buch of dudes stnding aroud saying mines bigger than yours!
I don't think they care about the size of their antlers, it's what they can do with them that counts.
A 1.5 year old 6 point full of piss & vinegar isn't beating no 4 year old buck no matter what...based on muscle and weapon size alone...
Maybe... a big buck's superior attitude is a dictate of hormone levels; the same hormones that cause antler growth; kind of like athletes taking HGHs seem to have higher levels of aggression along with their muscles. The bigger horned bucks definitely seem to be the boss around other bucks. Then again, what do I know? All I seem to have killed lately is "skillet heads."
I have no idea how they know but they do. Ive seen some big bucks come barreling down a hill in rifle season and go under neath of a fence barely big enough to fit their body without missing a beat. Incredible to see really. Now you have me thinking how they really do know...
Those bucks grow the antlers all summer long and travel miles with the mess on their heads. Velvet is living tissue so I'd imagine they can feel when they hit something even if it is just a twig or maybe even tall grass. Learning where those antlers are by feel, much like we learn how to place our feet as we are walking without actually looking at exactly where we are going to step next. Also the placement of the eyes being back and to the sides of their head likely lets them know where those antlers are in relation to things that might get in the way. Do they know how big their antlers are? Well maybe not exactly how large, but they know where they set in relation to their ears. It is amazing to see how big bucks can work their antlers through small spaces(as going through a small hole in a fenceline like threading a needle) when at full or near full speed.