Got a doe yesterday! Shot her about 4:45pm. Came walking along the fence row eating acorns. Was set up by a bunch of Oak trees that were dropping acorns. She ran about 50 yards after the shot...very easy track job. Was only in the stand for about 30min. I got there later than I woulda liked b/c of a wedding.
Thanks again everybody! It was a new set I hung make in early June. It's 10 yards inside the woods bordered by CRP. A bunch of Oaks everywhere and a fencerow. Then about 60 yards in the woods is a thick cedar thicket. There are a couple of different edges there w/ acorns everywhere. I am gonna give the spot a week or two of rest then try it again. I found some rubs while dragging her out. Hope I didn't hurt my chances of killing a buck there.