Great job! Just out of curiousity, what is your set up? I knew you were havng some broadhead tuning issues early- what did you end up doing?
Hoyt Kobalt 45 pounds 25inch draw. Gold-tip Ultralight Entradas 500 Spine with muzzy 100gr. 3 Blade broadheads. Problem was I was underspined, despite many people telling me otherwise. And another problem I was having was I had a Limbsaver thing under my rest and it was causing it to bounce up and hit my fletching. I took it off and booyah! No problems. I switched to 500 Spine and they fly like a dream. No wobble in the air at all, just a straight shot to the target.
LOL, I thought so, but was a little difficult to judge from the way it was laying in pics is all.......AMEN to the whole loving every aspect of hunting, besides thats what hunting is all about and the kill is just a bonus from the man above! Again GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to start stacking em like cord wood
Awesome!! I was having similar problems if you remember. People were giving me alot of different reasons as to why my arrows weren't flying very well, but, they mostly said my bow was out of tune and that my arrows were good. GMMAT then told me one day to try a longer arrow. So went with a 29" instead of a 27.5" arrow one day, and that fixed everything! Like you said, the arrow just flies STRAIGHT to the target now- there isn't any wobble or anything at all. I'm drilling stickers the size of Skoal cans at 40 yards with my Montecs now!
ohio opening day sept so jelous..but me and my buddy got a cabin in Cochocton county....i have seen some straight monsters down there in past of the best places to hunt in the country in my opinion.....OHio has some monsters..