After a lousy first day yesterday, I gave it another shot this morning. About 15 minutes after daylight this little doe starts slowly closing the distance. She seemd a little skittish but she finally made it to 10 yards and I drew my bow back and let the arrow fly! Hit its mark and she kicked her hind legs and ran with her tail tucked. I waited 30 minutes and got down to look for blood and my arrow. Followed a spotty trail for 60 yards and there she was! My first deer of the season and first deer with my HOYT! I couldnt be more happy!
WAY TO GO Jenna! Double-Lunger? Some guys will disagree with me, but to me thats just as much of a trophy as a buck....Anything you kill with a bow is a great accomplishment! I have to wait till the 19th here and I have a marginal spot at best, but usually every year I take a doe out of the herd! It's great to see more and more women getting involved in the sport of hunting! Great Pics! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats. That's great you're already in the woods getting it done. I still have to wait several weeks.
I am pretty sure it was a double. The lungs were sliced to pieces when I pulled them out of there haha. I am in total agreement with does being just as much a trophy as a buck. I love every aspect of hunting, it dont matter the size of the deer lol
Excellent job! The smile on your face says it all! Best of luck to you the rest of this hunting season. Mack