My wife worked late so it was my job to get my son (Brandon 5) up for school. He woke up sniffling with a fever and a temp of 101.9. I gave him some motrin and put him in bed with my wife. This means I can hunt this morning, but with limited time and a sick kid couldn't go far. So off to my local farm and a ladder stand placed there for just such emergency hunts. I'm watching a squirrel eat a nut, when I see his focus shift behind me. uh oh..slowly I turn around and see 2 deer (Mom and a yearling) almost on top of me and more coming. I let the first 2 pass, reach for my bow, the first to step into the lane is a BB, then 2 mature doe. I I let them ease past, feeling invisible in my UC. One of the big doe gives me a hard quatering away shot. I make sure I can squeeze one through the limbs and let fly!! She runs a short way, then stops and walks..I can see her, she walks 70-80 yards with no real trouble. Her tail is twitching like mad. She lays down. I can see her fine, her head is up....was it a gut shot? It looked perfect a bit far back on entry but the exit should have been perfect. Since I can see her there is no real urgency to do anything but watch. Then another doe comes out near her, dogged closely by a 100" 8 point. This comotion causes her to get up ( I can see the perfect exit and blood on her side) and walk into a cornfield, out of sight. I wait a bit and slip out. I go back in at noonish (4 hrs) and find her stiff about 8 rows into the corn. She was hit good just as I figured I even sliced the heart at the top a bit. Man these things are uncanny in thier will to survive. Pics will be added to the 09 kill thread time right now..
It's really amazing on how tough these deer really are. My dad had hit the heart on a doe a few years back, she was alive for at least 15 minutes he said before she died. Congratulation's on the doe Bob, well done!!!
Bob congrats on the Doe, Hope your family gets well soon, and better yet your not NEXT in line for the whatever they have!!!!!!!!!!!