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Doe and hot weather...

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by BowtechHunting, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. BowtechHunting

    BowtechHunting Weekend Warrior

    Apr 11, 2009
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    Let's say you stick a doe and by the time you find her your sweating up storm.

    Now in this heat how long do you think the meat will "stay good"? I have my opinions what's yours?
  2. DropTine249

    DropTine249 Weekend Warrior

    Aug 31, 2009
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    I think the meat will stay just fine a lot longer than some think.

    As long as they're gutted within the hour, the meat should be fine.

    I shot a doe last early season, she dropped in sight. I got down, dragger her out, gutted her, threw her in the truck. Well, some unexpected issues arose that were out of my control and required prompt attention.

    She spent the better part of the day in the back of my truck. I just tried my best to keep her out of the sun. When I got home, I butchered her up, threw her in freezer bags and all was fine.

    Now, this would not be my "ideal" doe hunt/trip home, but, it was what it was.

    Additionaly. I shot a doe a few seasons ago. She ran only about 70 yards, but she crossed a stream. For the life of me I couldnt find ANY blood. Shot placement looked just fine, too. We looked for her ALL morning. We left the woods for lunch and came back with my brother. He found her within a few minutes, tucked in some brush that my friend had previously checked.

    Well, she lay there from nearly first light until around 12:30, opening day. That meat didn't make it.....But the coyotes and fox sure enjoyed it.

    Keep in mind. It was MUCH hotter on the latter mentioned day.

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