Well this morning was beautiful! The temperature was nice and the wind was perfect for my stand. I got in and played the waiting game until at around 7:45 I seen a deer walk across the field edge on top of the ridge I was hunting. I kept an eye on the spot until I ended up counting like 12 different does all coming from the same trail and feeding in that one area, They started slowly feeding down the ridge towards me when I heard a twig snap tot he right of me and seen a brown object through the leaves on the trees. I got my bow ready and my rangefinder out and ranged a tree that the deer was walking towards just in case I didnt get another chance to range the deer. She conveniently stops right by that tree and I set my pin on her and let it fly. I watched the arrow hit her and she didnt even hear the bow release and down she went. I ranged her at 22.5 yards but I forgot to hit the angle button to compensate and ended up hitting her a tad high. I didnt waste any time putting another arrow in her and she expired in less than a minute. Not long after that 2 bucks came running up the hill and I almost got me a double, but the buck decided to walk the only trail I had no shot in. I am SO excited to have gotten 2 deer already this year, and better yet both with my bow!
Dang Jenna, your on a roll already this season congrats!! Its refreshing to see some Ladys that enjoy the outdoors as much as we do. Kudos to you for that
Awesome, so at 22 yards you hit her high because you forgot to angle compensate? How high were you sitting??
Congrats on the 2nd DOE Now go get that buck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D Its not fair i have another 10 days and a wake up before i can go!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p