Last Thursday morning, I had a doe with three fawns come through at 15 yards about 30 minutes before shooting light. I could see them easily in the bright moon light. The wind wasn't ideal to sit in the tree I saw them from, so this morning I found a tree about 70 yards away. I knew where they were bedding and had a good idea what field they were coming back from. About 8am, they were heading directly to me. They ended up right underneath me for a few minutes before one of the fawns became nervous. The doe eventually moved out to about 12 yards giving me a little better angle. The quatering away shot clipped her spin and the arrow went in about half way. I gave her a follow up shot to end things quicker. I'm not sure if all three fawns where her's, but I know she won't have triplets next year. Had to take pics myself which explains the half smile not knowing exactly when the timer was going off.
That is a big ole doe. Congratulations. I know what you mean about the self timer on the camera. Since I usually hunt alone, I am accustomed to what a PITA the self timer and picture taking can be.......until I had a teenager tattempt to take a picture of me with my doe last weekend......I think now I'd rather take my own.