+1 I should have expanded a bit. For a strictly hunting rig, I'll center that first pin in the housing, usually a 20 yard pin. 99% of the time, that's the one I end up using when shooting at deer, so if for some reason I forget to line up the housing due to a weird angle downhill out of a tree due to a close animal, chances are I'm still good. When hunting, I really go into auto pilot. On the 3D course I build this into my shot routine to check the housing in my peep, and I *think* I do the same subconsiously when hunting, but to be honest I am really in auto pilot mode when there is a real animal there. With that first pin centered, I'm OK under most situations. I actually use a larger pin on top as well, a .029 green which really stands out from the rest of them. From there down for hunting purposes, I use .019's every 10 yards out to 50 yards.
Exactly my answer to. I recently dumped the kisser button in favor of centering the peep and housing guard and my shooting sky rocketed to.
Guess I never really gave it much thought at first, but I do center the housing in the peep. I guess it felt more natural to me that way? Does your peep diameter affect this? I mean, larger diameter makes it easier to center the housing, smaller diameter easier to center on the pin?
Ive always centered my pin, I sisnt know much about archery when I started and that was the way I was taught. I might have to try switching......very interesting
I'll have to try that method. I never really centered my pin, but rather just used to the peep to focus on the pin, and concentrated on where the pin is. We'll have to see how it goes.
Having tried both ways I center the housing. I shoot better that way. I have a much more consistant anchor.
I've never thought about this before. I always have centered the pin, but now I'll try this new technique.