I was watching Bowhunter Mag TV the other day and at the end of it in one of the segments the guy was talking about the difference between centering your pin in the peep vs centering the pin guard in the peep. This got me wondering which one was the more popular style of shooting. So I ask do you center the pin guard or the pins in the peep when you aim? Also if you want to elaborate as to why you shoot this way that would be great. First off I want to remind everyone that I have only one season of bow hunting under my belt. I shot all last season centering the pin in the peep. Sometime near the end of the year I was talking with someone about this and they advised me to try centering the pin guard. Since then I have realigned everything and I personally feel more comfortable centering the pin guard. It seems to make aiming easier and more consistant for me. Now everybody elses turn.
I center the housing in my peep. I have found this is an execellent way to help with coming to the same anchor point.
I always center the pin in the peep. I really don't care what my pin guard is doing. I've shot quite well doing this.
I center the pin and don't worry about the housing. I am not a professional grade shooter by any means though, and maybe that is one of the billion reasons why However, I have been doing this my entire life so it would probably be difficult for me to change.
I shot centering the pin my first two years, and when I switched to centering the housing....my accuracy went WAY up. If you think about it, it makes alot of sense since all you are doing is making your draw and anchor more consistent. I'd atleast TRY it if nothing else. EDIT: Looks like I was late to this party.
I watched that same episode last week also and was thinking the same thing. I have been centering my pin but I will definetly be switching this season!
I shot for many years centering the pin in my peep but made the switch to centering the sight housing a couple years ago. It has improved my consistancy at varying ranges due to the fact my anchor doesn't need to be adjusted to each pin. It fealt strange at first since I was used to shooting the other way but I got used to it.
I always center the pin guard. When the pin guard is not centered correctly it is readily apparent so the pins are in the same place through my peep all of the time. It is harder for me to tell if the pin is in the center (exact same place) each time. I guess the pin guard gives my eye a better reference point.
For hunting purposes I center my first pin (25 yards) in the center of my housing before sighting it in. I then center the housing in my peep when I shoot. For target I center the housing in the peep but do not have the luxury of having my first pin centered in the housing as well usually.
I also center the housing or guard in my peep.Most pins housing are round which makes it quite simple.
Thanks for the post. In 2 and a half yrs of bowhunting I have never heard of centering anything. I will definitely try centering my housing since that seems to be the thing that almost everyone agrees improves accuracy so much.
I center the guard in my peep. Never thought about why I just did it. Nice to know I don't have to change anything.