Either one is fine with me. But I have told my wife this. If I die before her...none of this funeral at 10 in the morning nonsense. My funeral will be at sunset!! So if I die and any of you catch wind of it...you better make sure she comes through with my only request!!
It's funny...everyone talks about the woods coming alive at sunrise, but to the deer, the day light means bed time for a bit, except the rut. the evening is when the woods come alive !! That magic hour is really tough to beat...
I like both, However, I do enjoy the Sunset in the hunting aspect of things, though time is running out, at any second that deer is gonna step out. No substitute for that feeling. It's a race against time...
I like both but sunrise definitely is better for me. Nothing like sitting in the stand listening to the woods come alive full of anticipation with what's to come for the hunt.