Like the sunrise from the tree or or the sunset from the tree?? I like the sunset in the tree or anytime for that matter over the sunrise.
Because of My Turkey Addiction I have to say Sunrise....but I love it all....hell I like pulling up at noon, clearing a spot breaking out the stove for some's all good out there. SB
Sunset, doesn't seem to be as cold as when the sun first rises. I don't know why, but when it bitterly cold, it seems like when the sun rise it burns off the moisture in the air, and then it becomes a damp cold. It seems that i'm always the coldest at that time. Anyone else experience this?
Sunset. I love watching the day come to an end in a tree. However, from a purely hunting standpoint, I prefer sunrise since the anticipation of what's coming is greater.
In da woods...yep the first few minutes of sunlight is usually colder than the night... I don't know why though. SB
I like the Sunrise better as well. In the morning, as light filters in, hope increases. Just the opposite for me in the evening. As light fades, so does hope although that magic hour is something to behold. Statistically I remember reading where the majority of P&Y animals have been taken in the evening but I think that has direct correlation to people being out more, more time in the tree in the evenings. At least that is the way it has been for me. I feel I am less likely to alert deer to my presence on morning sits as well.
From up on the mountain, I like the sunrises better. Down in the valley, it's magic hour and sunset. It's knowing that any minute, things could heat up.
I like the sunsets. I think it is a psychological thing for me. I feel the same way fishing in the hot the day cools, the action heats up. It is the same for hunting, as the day progresses after 1pm-2pm or so, the action begins to pick up. In the mornings, minus the rut, it can be pretty much hit or miss for me.
As far as the asthetics of the ordeal, it makes me no difference. I love watching and listening to the woods wake up, and I love the sights and sounds as it goes to bed. But I guess I like the morning best as it signifies the beginning. Anticipation is high, and I look forward to what the day has in store. In the evening, the day is over. Time to head home, back to the cabin...wherever. But I'm quite content during both.
Both are very cool indeed. However, I like the sunrise the most. I guess it is because of the being able to watch the woods come alive and anticipation of everything to come. While sunsets are awesome, they just remind me that the day is over and it about time to get out of the stand, which always sucks.