Depends on the area i guess. If you check the ODNR website during the season when people can post pics im seeing more and more monster (150+) bucks taken every year around my parts. Nothing touching 200" yet, but a guy in my county did take a 187" typical this season.
Oh, I know we have them.... I am just saying if you look into it and research... IL among the other western big buck states are nailing us like 3 to 1 on big bucks in the (150+) range.
I gotcha, How about Wisconsin, is it true that they have the most P&Y entries? And yet the biggest Non-typical is only 233"? (still a beast of a deer of course)
Yeah, they grow big bucks by the ton in WI, but lack in the upper echelon of monsters that some other states produce. Again, another oddity.
It seems that some states grow more large non typicals than others for whatever reason? MN and WI have some big typicals in the books but just don't seem to produce many huge non typ. I think WI is now #1 overall in both B&C and P&Y entries.
I checked in an old Wis Buck & Bear Club book that I have and there are 2 gun kill non typicals that are in the 240's. The highest one was listed at 245 0/8. There were 2 others that were at 237+. However the book is 15 years old???
I tell you what...I'd take a 190 inch typical over a 250+ inch non typical any day of week...just my preference. Not that I expect either scenerio to ever happen...