I should elaborate... I make that statement only directed at myself. When I feel like I've got it figured out... it's time for me to quit. Again, for myself only not directed at anyone else.
That is because it takes effort (work) to accomplish anything. (including hunting) That being said, though we all may have it "all figured out", we "all" must still work at it. Therefore, "It ain't that easy".
VS, That caveman thing is funny. I'm glad I have deer hunting figured out, it gives me more time to go fishing and do other things.
I have a friend who is big into trapping. Most people would crap their pants if they knew how much fur this guy catches. He never talks about how much he catches and rarely takes any pics. There may be a few guys out there that catch more fur but I'm not aware of any. Anyway, I asked him If he had this trapping thing figured out. His response : f no ! Then he told me there is always more to learn. I agree with him. If I ever get to the point where I think I have it all figured out I'll probably get bored and do something else. I think it's the figuring out part that's the most fun.
LOL! Where's the dead horse picture. I agree 100% with this statement. That is IF a hunter defines his "consistent hunting success" as killing 1.5 year old bucks and 90lb does. Again... yes these basic factors in hunting make it very easy to kill "a deer". I still disagree that it means that hunter has the game figured out. Take those same 3 categories and tell that hunter to kill a 4.5 or better buck. It's not going to be figured out as easy. More variables to the game to figure out rather than the 3 basics. Allow a hunter to have success? Certainly. Mean he has it all figured out? No way IMO. Let's throw in yet another sport analogy. Tell a basketball player that he has to shoot, dribble and pass to have success. Once he knows how to do these skills he now has the game of basketball figured out?
One of my favorite's as well. I don't think that I want to have this game "figured out." I also don't think that anyone could take a step back for even one year and have the same level of success as they would have if they had hunted the previous year. So much of what makes this "game" great is what you take from one year into the next about individual animals and locations. Everything is constantly changing. For example, this year's bedding area might not be the bedding area in ten years. Trees grow, forests evolve. Change is inevitable. I love it.
Our opponent is playing a game of life and death on a boundless field and time is ticking in his favor. He doesn't understand the rules and wouldn't follow them if he did. After 28 seasons in 7 states, I am just beginning to understand the subtleties. If you think you have it all figured out, you have missed the point, grasshopper.
To kill any deer, not so tough. To kill a specific deer or a certain aged deer, talk to me again In 10 years. Few do It all the time and them few will usually tell you there still learning. You've had an awesome jump to your 4 or 5 years of bow hunting. Do you believe It will be like that every year for the next 10 years?