I am kind of glad that I hunt where I do.....although not the best place, it does offer one the chance to just enter the woods and hunt. Only so many illegal, bs things people can do on a federal piece of property with federal law enforcement driving around. DEA, FBI, Marines, Game Warden, etc...everyday all day. But to answer your question...the only thing I dislike about bowhunting is my drive sometimes overcomes common sense. Common sense....you have worked 3, 12 hour days in a row and have stayed up until midnight to get work done around the house, go to sleep and hunt in the afternoon. Drive.....get up get up and hunt, screw it, you only need 4 hours sleep even if you are exhausted. The balance is crucial.
I just thought of one more thing. You get all settled into your tree and then the stomach pains hit you. Thats got to be the worst.
I absolutly love the pursuit part of bowhunting, as far as the hunt it self. Outside factors that piss me off is the way my state manages our deer herd (seasons, bag limits, and "crop damage" permits). Thats about it though, i try not to let everyone else's ignorance/stupidity bother me.
the fact that gun/rifle hunters give me flack. we should respect each other. and some of the ignorant people i have and continue to run into.
I am pretty much with everyone who said warm weather, mosqitoes, and ticks and chiggers in the early season. Other than that I love everything about it.
Squirrels and misquitos. And the season is split around rifle season MO. I would like to bowhunt all throughout November, but rifle season starts the second Saturday of the best month of the year.
The fact I am not loaded, don't have 1000 acres of my own and do not get to do it full time...other than that I love it. 2 more days and a wake up.
I dislike very few things about bowhunting. I have tried to fill my offseason with as much as possible, but the waiting is number one on my list, followed closely by the boogie man that lurks in the dark woods after an evening hunt. I also manage to have at least one close encounter with a large bear each season, that kinda bugs me.