I love deer hunting............the weapon in my hand honestly has no effect on the emotions I take away from my hunts.
Bow hunt only. When I was 12 years old I went out deer hunting with my 20 gauge, that lasted about 2 hours. Haven't done It since, that was 24 years ago. Just not my thing.
As long as my family gathers together every year for the opening day of gun season, I will tote a shotgun in my hands.
Bow/Gun Hunting I do both.....I enjoy bow hunting more then gun. Gun season is the time I get to take my 9 year old son out so it is special in that regard. I always went gun hunting with my dad, but he is no longer with us, so it is a tradition thing now during gun season.
i hunt with both, opening day with gun with my family sons,brothers it's like thanksgiving day for the guys, it's a big get together full of laughs and good food and last maybe a deer or two. bowhunting is my big thing, but it is a solo thing. no one else in the family bowhunts so it's nice to get us all togather doing something i love to do.
Bow only for me. No desire to hunt with a gun. Like Greg MO said... When you see a deer while you're bowhunting the hunt has just begun. When you see a deer while gun hunting the hunt is over. Lol ... I never thought I'd hear a bowhunter say that
I've had my chances..... hopefully I will score before gun season ... whatever the case, I am looking forward to a little more "easy"
Mostly just bow hunt....Since Dad and Grandpa gave up deer hunting it's not the same gun hunting. I may get out with my cousin, but I doubt it.
Same here...in SE Va everyone, including me is part of a hunting club that uses dogs and standers..huge clubs up 30,000 acrs..the whole SE portion of Va is all dog country, it puts an end to bow/still hunting.. so you kind of have to hunt with a gun and dogs if you don't want to sit at home...Dog hunting clubs are a big tradition here and there is a fight to keep it, some people want it gone.. I would rather bow hunt and Im fortunate to have a few very small peices in the suburbs that no dogs get on, but they are small...
Same, I do it for tradition. It's great waking up opening morning, sitting in the woods waiting to hear the first shotgun fire off. After opening morning and opening night gun hunting just isn't the same for me. I still hunt but it it will never compare to bowhunting.
Given the choice, I'd hunt with a gun over my bow any day. Opening weekend of shotgun season is my favorite time of year.
I do rifle hunt but it isn't the same for me. I have taken a more deer than I can count but zero have been over 40 yards with a rifle I find so much more satisfaction with a bow and would find more joy in a 30 yard double lung shot over a 150 yard rifle shot anyday. This year is my first year not taking the rifle out on opening morning but the Bowtech.
Two different experiences for me.I love to rifle hunt and will never stop.The ground that you can cover,the sneaks you can put on etc. it is a completely different experience than bowhunting.It is much less passive and appeals to my curiosity to see what's over there and what's over there and on and on. What ever season is on dictates the weapon that I am hunting with.For those that believe killing big bucks with a rifle is a gimme,I invite you to hunt in a big woods low deer density environment.
"When you see a deer while you're bowhunting the hunt has just begun. When you see a deer while gun hunting the hunt is over." He's obviously never seen me shoot shotgun slugs. :D I can shoot my bow out to 50 yards waaaaaaaaaaaay better than my shotgun. I've gotten two deer with my shotgun. One two years ago at 40 yards and last year one at 11 yards. I used to hunt with a .30-06 in WI and even then I shot deer at 40 yards or less. I was good with that rifle but I still didn't like shots that weren't practically in bow range. I did enjoy the precision of the shot with that gun. I saw a real nice buck while I was shotgun hunting but let him pass since I wanted to save my second buck tag for another bow buck. I ended up shooting a button buck... lol. I have to say, last year I shot 3 does and a 14 point buck with my bow.. and I was far more excited about my little shotgun button buck. It's because shotgun hunting is such a novelty for me yet. Ask me again in about 5 years.