Do you find yourself justifying or defending hunting, in any way, when in the company of non-hunters ? For example, you're watching a hunting DVD or TV show, and, a non-hunter is present. Do you find yourself trying to explain how we, as hunter, tend to target "older" bucks, and, shoot does for herd "management"..? or saying anything to "soften the blow", so to speak, as the hunters on your tv shoot animals ? I've noticed that I do this..... I find myself trying to articulate just how difficult it is to hunt a mature buck, and, how much time/work actually goes into harvesting one of these beautiful animals.
I certainly don't go into detail about the biological ramifications........especially when the information I might give could make me look even MORE stupid in their eyes. It's kinda like being an umpire, Droptine. First thing I tell new umpires is.....never take your rule book with you to the park.
I've tried to get away from "justifying" or "defending" my positions on things (hunting, religion, etc.). Instead I try to simply relay my thoughts & reasoning why I do/believe things. All while being sensitive to my audience's position. It's been my experience that a position that centers on defense and justification, comes off with a bad taste. I find that if I'm honest and open, more often than not, even if we disagree, the person will respect my choices.
No not justifying or defending, but I do have this cousin that's a non-hunter that likes to rag me about the size of deer I've killed and the ratio of the amount of time I spend hunting to the number of deer killed. He gets under my skin at times, which is his goal, so I try not to show him. I just shoot back that he's too lazy to do anything.
It's doing something, versus being a couch potato and getting to be 300+ pounds like many Americans now days. I used to be a non-hunting type. Not because I disagreed with it, or had any issues. But, because I couldn't picture myself sitting out in a tree for hours on end and possibly not getting a deer in frigid temps. Now that I'm older, it's something I'm looking forward to enjoying.
I dont go into great detail, by any means. I just find myself explaining what the hunters on TV/DVDs are talking about when they're speaking of management, mature bucks, food plots, wind, thermals, etc, etc. I think these explanations do more good than harm, actually. Honestly, a fairly common response from non-hunters, in my experience, is "I didnt know hunting was that complicated/hard ? I thought all you did was sit in a tree and wait for a deer to come by...?"
Wait a sec, you mean there's more to it? Well that's what I've been doing wrong. (Yes this is a tongue-in-cheek post)
Any time I have brought a new girlfriend or potential girlfriend home for the first time I make a point of walking through the game room, the 30+ mounts always draw a reaction. It is this reaction that I weigh so heavily. If she pulls the "squeamish- poor animal routine" she prob never makes it back to the house. It's a tell tale sign of things to come! I do find myself often explaining these things to friends, and I find that as long as you are not pushing the hunting on them its not a big deal.
I do something like this, as well... When I'm talking with a new "candidate", I always mention hunting somehow. I try to throw it in during a conversation of another topic. Somehow, I'll throw in, "a friend a hunt with", "owner of the land I hunt"...and I look for the reaction. The only place anti hunters have in my life is in the jokes section..
My brothers mother in law stopped over when i moved into my new place several years ago and i happened to be hanging a few of my mounts and she says "eww the dead animal room! I could never in a home that has a room like this!" I looked over my shoulder and said, " well i guess we dont ever have to worry about you movin in then do we?" End of conversation....
Im more of a....i do what i want and if you dont like it too bad kinda person.. But i wont say anything to shed a bad light on it
I'm like Simon, I do what I want and try not to judge others by their lifestyle choices. I don't see as much anti-hunting views towards the deer hunting I do as I do with the coyote and wolf hunting. People seem to get more opinionated when you're not eating what you're killing, I think a lot of that view falls back on us hunters as well. I hear a lot of hunters that love to deer hunt, view predator hunting in a completely different light, I get more heated towards other hunters than anti's that will never understand.
From a guy who is American, 300+ and a couch potato I have harvested two does this season. I guess that makes me All American. YESSS!!!!
Like It or not the non hunters are the ones we as hunters have to Impress or at least make ourselves look respectful. Many non hunters have been In my home and usually their full of questions when they see all of the bear and deer mounts. 9 times out of 10 they leave my place on a good note. There's nothing wrong with non hunters, most times their not against what we as hunters do.
I'm like rangerj,I have a sister-in-law that has come into my home and trashed hunting as she ate ,drank and socialized. This person is no longer allowed in my home. I now have a sign by my entrance door that reads" If you speak negatively of firearms or hunting in my home, be prepared to leave immediately, on your own or with my help"