NY doesn't open until October 17th. Seems like everyones seasons are up and going by the time I can even set foot in the woods!!!! Drives me nuts hearing about everyone hunting and whacking deer already:p. Oh well........... it will make me run to my stand that much faster come opening day. Keep the stories coming, it pumps me up!
Get up to northern zone!! I'll be in the adirondacks for the opener on Sunday, plus I can use last years tags till 10/1!!
The best part of hunting season is the month of November. As long as I can bowhunt the first two weeks of November I'm happy. Everyone in NY wants an earlier opening to bow season but I'd rather it close later, like the end of November. Who the heck wants to sweat their arses off in the beginning of October anyhow?
Nope, season closes like December 22 i think this year. Its also one of the first to close im pretty sure