Opinions run hot and every Joe Schmo becomes a master of political correctness each time a new president is elected.
Twitter outbursts are not more worrisome to me than: Benghazi; Collusion with DNC and MSM to help her win the election unfairly; Criminally cavalier practices with classified email server; Clinton Foundation pay for play. I'm not bashing your beliefs. Just want to provide an obviously reasonable man and fellow bow hunter with perspective.
Seems both sides learn from each other. I remember when Newt Gengrich put the Republicans in control of the house for the first time in 40 years.
Everything you mention is why I did not vote for Clinton, and I do tend to be fairly left wing. (I do not have any illusions that the government should be a nanny, and I firmly believe that adults should never get a monthly payment without either working, or studying to attain a marketable skill, but since children do such a lousy job of picking parents with good earning potential I want to make sure they have a safety net.) However, no amount of partisanship can excuse corruption, dishonesty, and arrogance. I also could not vote for president Trump. When he dismissed his bus conversation as locker room talk, I could not help but think that when you say such things at the age of 16 it may be dismissed as locker room talk. At the age of 60 it is the revelation of a character nurtured over a lifetime, and a habit of mind. Out of the mouth flows the abundance of the heart. So yes, I wasted my vote on someone that I thought passed the "reasonably decent human being test."
I wish we could collaborate amongst our selves well enough that they would realize that we are the instructors they should pay attention to. Instead they throw out stupid stuff to keep us at each other's throats. I am a liberal. That said, I have refused to register as a democrat for the last 20 years. If you gave me and a conservative voter a questionnaire about what we would like to see our country achieve I would be willing to bet their responses and my responses would be very similar. The disagreement is on how to achieve the goals. Instead, we are encouraged to demonized each other as trying to destroy 'Murika. I've been around long enough to know I don't have all the answers. But if I don't respect you, I have no incentive to listen to your input. The sad part of that is that between the two of us we could probably come up with a hell of a plan to address our problems. (Don't really know which way you lean, so if you are a fellow lefty I'm not trying to put you down) A great example of this was with Jason Chaffitz bills to eliminate 3.3 million acres of public land, and get rid of federal law enforcement agents on Forest Service and BLM lands and make local LEOs take over the responsibility. Sportsmen (hunters, hikers, backpackers, and fishermen) flooded his office with so many calls and he mails he stepped back from the sale legislation. We still need to work on the law enforcement piece, and watch the congress like hawks because both bill went to committee this week, hopefully to die, to make sure we don't lose a great American treasure. I know that the people from all over the spectrum chimed in for a common cause.
Trump said his approval rating is 55%. Lie. Said that the stock market is at record highs because of him. Lie. Said he asked Flynn to step down. Lie. Said nobody besides Flynn talked to Russia. Lie. Said jobs are already coming back because of him. No proof. Said he had the biggest electoral college victory since Reagan. Lie. New York Times is failing. Big lie. These are just off the top of my head by the way I'm sure I can find more.
I hear ya and have always said the fight is between us vs them, the people against the politician. As far as the Republican giving away or selling public land I honestly don't get that. I'm hopping Trump Jr. gets in there and give his Dad the truth. I'm sure Trump doesn't know which side to believe and hopefully he doesn't believe either. The people got him into office in first place, not Republicans and not Democrats. But I'm with ya brother. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
None of this is on Fox News, So it's not true to the lemmings. What is true is the boys from Michigan sent wisky home with a lost tonight, Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Afflicted, I've had my people looking into this one for years. When I find out you will be the first to know.
He had to produce them for someone in order to be accepted as a potential candidate to the office of POTUS, just like any other candidate has to as its part of the process,,, believe it or not you just can't say your running for that office without proving you meet the criteria. Why he hid it I can't say, unless he wanted people to worry more about that, than what he was really doing.
I said he had to provide it to someone,,,, the question i posted as to why he hid it, was a question of why he waited so long to show the general public since it caused such an uproar... yes i know he showed it, in fact he is the only president to date that I know of that has shown his to the general public, however you do know that there are still questions about whether or not it was fake or not,,,,as it was suppose to be an original, and where it stated race, it said Afro-American, instead of black, the term Afro- American didn't become a part of everyday usage until the late 80's popularized by Jesse Jackson, and at the time of Obama's birth, the term Black was the word used to describe a black child's race on their birth certificates not Afro American,, just as mine says white on the race line, today my kids born in the 80's say Caucasian.
actually i do buy that, first since it is constitutional and part of the forms required to register, as well as there are laws that specifically require it to be so., why would either party put a non American in the position and risk the American public finding out, that would without a doubt to my mind, destroy that party forever. which one of those rich privileged folks do you think would be so stupid as to risk their lofty status, and privileges on something so risky and stupid. they didn't get where they were by being stupid.