Not going to get caught up in all the bickering. With the Senate delaying each cabinet pick like they are they are keeping things tense and unruy across the nation. Until each of the positions are filled and Gorsuch is confirmed it continues The congressional Democrats are still devistated by this loss. The reason they are so out of it is becauee they had the ultimate prize in their grasp, the Supreme Court of the United States. They had the plans laid out for the next 4 years onnhow to reshape the nation in their eyes for the next generation(s). That was my number one concern with this election. I have stated it in he past and stick with it now, if Trump becomes too much congress will hold him in check. He's not being given a chance at all right now, he is being attacked from all angles from all sources with some internal sabotage at play as well. You have flash mobs of hoodlums and thugs causing civil disobedience at every big rally or "protest" of which 50% of them didn't vote and I bet won't in the next election either. The far left nutjobs out there wearing vagina garments and listening to the likes of Madonna and Judd are the reason the democratic base will not grow before he next election. I think it actually shrinks. The Hollywood elite are going so far left it only reaffirms my assertions of the continued collapse. It may not be Trump in 2020, but it won't be Warren and it won't be Sanders. It just needs to calm down and see what Trump does with a full team and not continually on defensive offense
I'll call bull**** on the above and (though somewhat rare) get Germ's back on the visa mess. There are thousands of jobs our company fills yearly for 'dead' technology like mainframe and cobol programmers. Simultaneously we also hire thousands of (green bean) college kids yearly...they ain't being hired for knowing the latest cool technology. Also in any big company you'll find, by law, conspicuously posted DOL notices for the jobs that are going to visa-ed workers because the jobs couldn't be filled in US.
Lying about rain. I would go easy with making that your exhibit A. Show me one human being who has never lied. Been dishonest even slightly. And i want you to think really hard before you answer. if you answer. The president is welcome at my house anytime. He has ganolies the size of rio grande grapefruit. I fully support him, eyes wide open. A million bulls eyes on him and he continues forward. I was ready to sit out the election. Then I saw him bully and challenge this election cycle's platoon of republican pansies. He had me. So, yeah give him credit for what he has done. Made me want to participate again. meanwhile, a bunch of americans completely wussified under FPBHO, a generation of young people of various ages and their older liberal allies, want to call me a nazi, a fascist, a white privileged racist who bitterly clings to his guns and bible? Oh, trust me. I hope these fascile, limp-phallused weasels cry into their pillows every night POTUS 45 is in office. They are on the opposite of the political spectrum's version of the 60's conservative citizens council and the black garbed rioters are no better than the klan. i tell all of those west coast rioting folks this much....try that stuff over here in the southern country. I bet me and my black neighbors make you sorry. Racist? We are integrated in the south's countryside. We have billboards with pictures of black and white first responders that read "Lives matter." Racism? Yeah. Eight years of it under POTUS 44 and folks think theyre entitled to riot and disrupt freedom of speech? rant over. Or on pause.
It's an example, there is plenty more, crowd size, which is a joke, illegal voters. He's lied his entire career, but you won't see it, I get it now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't actually follow anyone on twitter except education gurus. I hear about Trump's tweets in the news, and it isn't fake. On election night I thought that we had achieved the second worst possible outcome, with the worst being a Hillary win. I am not so sure now.
What does someone else's lie have to do with trump? Give him time. Look Mathis just told our allies, spend more on defense, or the relationship will change. He's right and trump is right for letting them know the gravy train is over. See I am not a lemming, so I can say well done, or you're wrong. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
In 4 years, mayve even 8, you will see why Trumps win was so important. No single issue was bigger than SCOTUS, and if somehow in 4 years a second pick is not had by the next election, it will be the biggest factor in the next election as well. Short term change can be endured by either side, well it is currently under debate on that claim, but the long term effects of the rule of the land are most critical. Democrats had their choices lined up, and going by Ginsburg's comments during the election maybe even a bonus pick. Someone mentioned earlier about Russian jets buzzing a US vessel. The same happened during the Obama term as well and nothing was made of it. If Trump were to react and authorized a warning shot or worse, the start of WWIII would be the hottest trending topic of the left.
This crap is exhausting and it further strengthens my thought that this country was formed to have strong state governments, not an ominous all controlling federal government.
Perhaps someone could explain to this anti-Trump snowflake how the President being upset that the press exposing that his future appointee actively undermining a duly elected governments action is different than democrats being upset that wiki leaks exposed their corruption. And can you explain to me how not immediately affirming a Supreme Court justice is so wrong after refusing to even consider an appointment for over a year. If another justice steps down in the 13 months before the next election, will we have to wait until after the next inauguration to consider a replacement? Where in the constitution that is so precious to the republicans does it provide for a delay because we are so close to the next election? How can Mitch McConnel say with a straight face that democrat obstructionism is unprecedented after he filibustered his own amendment because the democrats agreed to it? Congress has never had such a low approval rating, and most of the incumbents were reelected. I guess we hate everybody else's idiots, because we keep sending ours back. I point to the American voter as absolute proof that there is no such thing as natural selection, because we are getting collectively more idiotic with each election.
whoa. I am the one who admitted he lies earlier. So, ease up on the condescension and make a solid point other than you personal disdain of potus 45. Dont assume i am blind or stupid.
Natural selection is often obstructed by humanism. Look at our foreign aid. We prop up more countries that burn our flag and foment hatred towards us. Let. Them. Die. Sorry for the digression. When I hate an incumbent, I ignore his party affiliation and vote the other way. They need sent a message. I reject humanism; man isn't the measure of all things. Man is selfish and weak. Look at me for instance.
It's funny to hear people get up set about their candidate whether he won or she lost and point out faults but can they say they would or did do the same critique on their party? I even asked myself that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I will admit what I like about the Trump campaign was how offended the established politicians and media were so upset about his campaign and election win, the Washington media is a joke.
You do know that a lot of these protesters are paid they have fun set up for these protesters to come in and calls all this chaos and Mayhem. George sure was being one of the most largest donors of all this then of course you have other little separate into these that donate money as well. They are dead set on ruining this Administration something is doing good for the country for a change or at least trying to. We haven't seen nothing yet they're going to go above and beyond to try and describe his presidency. But personally I don't think Trump will allow it I'm hoping that the people he surrounds himself will not let that happen as well. Countries like a big fairy tale right now each page open up continues to change drastically and fictitiously. Keep singing those keep'em straight. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Forums mobile app
Now the media is claiming that their 1st amendment rights are being violated because they are not being called on to ask a question at presidential press conferences.