I dislike trump as a person, I did vote for him and would again if the choice is between him and hildabeast. I actually like what he is doing policy wise. I am glad immigration laws are going to be enforced. I agree with the ban, we give out around a million visas a year, why? I like his Supreme Court nominee. I can't stand his thin skin, his tweeting constantly. That is below the office for which he sits in.
I disagree with the twitter opinion. This is a new world with a grossly biased media. Bush Jr. kept his mouth shut and he got shafted every day of the week. Trump using Twitter to hit back when he's attacked isn't anymore below his office than it is for a powerful organization like the general media to wield their power unchecked in a biased and dishonest way. I find it his use of Twitter absolutely hilarious and justifiable.
I can respect your views, honest. We give out million's visa a year because of the Tech industry. It's simple we don't have enough smart people to do tech work. My team consists of members from: Pakistan India Iran Michigan(Me) All came here for their masters and job, and all are great people and my friends. The member from Pakistan went home and brought me back pistachios, they were excellent.
for the most part, saying we don't have smart people for the tech jobs is completely false. We have the people, they just expect to get paid more. Immigrant labor is about cost, nothing else.
Sorry, but no that is what you are told in the fake news. 1% of software engineers are unemployed and if you are graduating with a Computer Science or Engineering degree, you can name your price. I got calls on jobs 2- three times a week, all with very good salaries.
Well Germ I am concerned with both, but I do agree the later is far more important. All presidential nominees should be held to the same standard in my opinion. Now that he's become the leader if our country it's even more important that his morals and ethics be brought forward as they did with Hillary. Frankly the whole two party system now should scare the hell out of sane responsible people. Sent from my LG-H631 using Tapatalk
In fairness, I agree. But Obama was the same damned way. One of the best things about Bush 43 was his unflappability. People said it was his low intellect, but I don't buy that. Rosie O'Donnell's dumb as a post and she's a friggin' jib sail of flappability.
Not to mention the science and medical fields! My brother is alive today and in remission because his doctor originally from Sudan helped beat his cancer. People don't use their heads or their hearts.
I agree with this, because he can lie his *** off and the lemmings will fall in line. You really have to give him credit for what he has done.
Sorry, saying we don't have enough smart people is the fake news. Or more accurately lies. There are plenty of people in the US that can do the job it is simply that the employers don't want them because they are more expensive and often less productive. They can bring in immigrants and they are willing to work longer hours, for less money.
We don't have enough smart people to do tech jobs we need to fill, I hate to break it to you, my 3 are 9 to 5'ers. The Technology Job Gap - Computer Science Zone IN the next ten year we will have million more computer jobs than students to fill them here in USA. Not enough smart people
You mentioned 1% of software engineers are unemployed. What you don't mention is how many of them are employed in unrelated fields. It has been on ongoing issue with the tech industry, Huge layoffs while at the same time pushing for and hiring more immigrants. All they have to do is write the job description and requirements in ways that older tech employees don't meet the requirements on paper. That is the truth they don't want you to know.
Agreed, Trump is a piece of work but what other kind of person could stomach our liberals, leftist media, Hollywood phonies etc? They ate up Reagan, both Bush's and now it's Trumps turn being water boarded. My vote is always against the push toward socialism.
What "fake news" has trump tweeted about that actually turned out to be fake? I took on the depressing and hilarious job of scrolling through his twitter page and didn't find a single example. His tweets about being angry about the leaks in his administration sure are rich though. I love the irony. I encourage everyone to go read his dribble. It makes him sound thin skinned and weak. He tweets about fox and friends while a Russian war plane is buzzing an American naval ship. Or is that fake news too?
LMAO. Since when is being a Liar and bad thing to Democrats? That is rich Really no attacking you brother just getting heated. It's all good.
According to Census Bureau. 74% of those with STEM bachelors degrees not working in STEM Occupations. Study shows that about 32% of computer science grads not working in field. I once heard this described. What they are teaching freshman in computer science, by the time they are seniors is already out of date. And to some level I agree. As technology changes it is often easier for employers to hire new, rather than dealing with updating the training on those they already employ. 20 years ago that wasn't the case.
That's an interesting theory, but the data shows keeping an employee is cheaper. In fact most tech companies are doing a lot to retain them.