See you actually can't come at me with facts, because you have none, only MEME Here's my favorite Trump lie, He actually said Trump Tower was 68 stories, it's 58. The second favorite lie is when he said it did not rain during his inauguration speech. These are his words. Alex Jones is where Trump gets a lot if his information, listen to him for a few mins. It makes sense to me now after watching John Oliver, Trump gets his news from the same places as his voters, hence why the lemmings believe him. I am just glad folks survived the Bowling Green Masscure. Trump lies 69.9% Obama 30% Bush 28%
Exactly, sad day when one can be such a lemming. This is not policy, this is just did it rain during his inauguration speech. Trump says no, his wife's umbrella with water on it was planted by CNN, LOL
I'm coldly cynical and a realist. A nihilist even. Trump is an immoral bag of ****. So am I. And I'm damned happy he's POTUS 45. I'd vote for him again. Name for me any candidate who doesn't have his lemmings and his fan boys and his apologists and a platoon of skeletons in his closet.
Wait until he's done After first Iraq war Bush had a 70% approval rating and then lost to Bill Clinton. Yes around 25% on the right are wacko's and left. The issue I have is they are controlling the message.
It's just me mad at myself. I try to follow the golden rule and then wind up completely losing my ****. Are you a never Trump Republican? Innocent question...not a trolling one. Just curious.
Germ, you know I don't comment on politics much (on here especially). I will say I appreciate that you look at all things with an open mind.
Tax returns? Oh ya Trump is the FIRST president in history to not release his. Sent from my LG-H631 using Tapatalk
Hilarious yet sad at that same time cause people really are believing Donald Trump's ****. Sent from my LG-H631 using Tapatalk
I honestly do not care about his returns, it's his business and right. I care about his "alternative facts" causing a mess some day.
So you did vote for POS Bill Clintons Evil money hungry wife. Think of stopping at and anger management course on your way to the March and march you arses off will the adults take care of business. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No, I did not vote for president, and it's on a Saturday. I know you may have to work on Saturday, but I don't. It's funny you can only attack me because any sane person knows Trump is a compulsive liar. I need anger management classes because Trump is POS, LOL Good one
Over the last few years, this is what has come out of the Left. Republicans hate, immigrants, Mexicans, Old People, Woman, College students, children, Military members. that is the essence of their political philosophy. And dimwits fall for it.