The protesters I know are professionals. They use vacation time and pay out of pocket to attend protests. Then after the protest is over they go back to work and continue being professionals.
If .01% Americans were whiny snowflakes...that would be 4,000,000 people. Actually sounds about right. I honestly hate the way America was when Obama left.
We were all rooting for Obama. No protest from us but I think he was way over his head and was really expecting to win. Both times. Don't know, maybe I'm just making excuses for him. But what a lot of lost opportunities. And last wasted credits he had going for him. But we are better at killing people with drones than we were before his presidency. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Can someone provide me a link to one of those Craigslist adds? I need some extra money. I am anti-Trump. I work about ten hours a day, and as a snowflake I am going to generate as much heat as I can. Now if he will stop tweeting stupid stuff and act like an adult I might be able to relax. As I see it, he may be an outsider to D.C., but he is no less self serving than most of the politicians who pretend to work there.
with all due respect Afflicted, do you honestly think that Trump isn't in over his head? The man had to call somebody in the wee hours of the night to ask if America was better off with a strong or weak dollar for goodness sakes. Not to mention the dumpster fire that's happening now with all the Russia stuff. Which we all knew was just a matter of time and Flynn is just the beginning of that train wreck. His administration is leaking like a broken faucet and with how tight of an inner circle he keeps that's pretty unnerving. Not trying to start an argument because I truly enjoy reading your posts both on hunting and political matters, but are you not concerned with anything at all? What if Obama's national security advisor was secretly meeting with Russia giving them insights to sanctions and who knows what else and Obama knew, but didn't do anything till it was leaked?
With all due respect, Afflicted's point was you didn't see us protesting, beating up Obama supporters, etc.
Turn off twitter. Stop following people who re-post stuff that raises your BP. It is seriously good for one's health, no matter which side of the aisle one is on....
At Berkeley, the students were by and large peacefully protesting. Same at DC. Then, all of a sudden, guys in black garb in masks appeared and things turned ugly and violent. If anybody hear supports the black-clad thugs, please reconsider. They are doing the same thing the KKK did in the 1960's. There is no moral high ground in suppressing the Bill of Rights for any American. The 1st Amendment protects "the thought we hate." So, wave signs, jump up and down, etc. But those jokers in black? They are as anti-American as any sheet wearing pointy head.
The left always has the gift of complaining about anything being done. But has no solutions themselves. Where was this microscope dissecting everything Obama did over the last eight years? His fast and furious, reverend wright, Benghazi, drone strikes killing the enemy without clicking in the Intel. Not to mention the biggest F up letting Isis take over the Middle East and murder or run off all these people out of countries into Europe. Where is your bleeding heart for them and Who's holding Obamas feet to the fire on that? He pulled out of Iraq to appease the snowflakes and he should've had the balls to take some heat and maintain what our servicemen had already accomplished and died for over there. Now The next administration has to fix it and you get to ***** about that, bravo. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No I don't think Trump is in over his head. I think his business mind will try straighten up the centuries of our lawyers in government's scam they have been pulling on all of us taxpayers. You had your George Soros now we have our Donald Trump. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm sure that will come out now that he's out of office. He never was really a legal citizen. Why didn't he just show the birth certificate? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Am sure it won't. Am sure in 6 months unemployment will be higher and least 1 more cabinet member will be gone. Let me just put it out there, trump is a compulsive liar and a just not a good person. His administration is filled with liars. They spew **** out of their mouths at a pace I cannot fathom. Trump will make American worse and less safe. He's a jack-a$$, and really makes me miss George W. North Korea fires a weapon into the sea and he has open air meeting about it, 9-11 happens and Bush does not blink an eye. That's the difference between a leader and a putz. I will be marching with my kids in march for science, call me a snowflake, liberal or whatever. I would rather be called that than a supporter of Donald fing trump, I have zero respect for this dolt after seeing him in action, what a joke. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk