Do you guys think that headlamps bother deer regardless of what color the bulb is? Have there been any studies done on this subject?
I would hate to even try to put a headlamp on a deer so my guess would be 'yes' a headlamp would bother a deer.
If you're asking if the light bothers deer.... Red light is supposed to be less noticeable to crepuscular critters like deer. (more rods than cones thing) I scare deer when I walk in/out of the woods whether I have a light on or not. It's my less than graceful crashing through the underbrush that seems to do it. On the other hand, I've waved my flashlight (white light) at deer from my treestand in an effort to scare them off. Doesn't work. They just stand and stare at me.
I walked up to 25 yards on TWO mature bucks last year with my red bulb on. They didn't even care I was there until I got that close...It was pretty dang cool. They didn't know what I was or what to think until I circled and they were down wind of me. The white/yellow light of a mormal bulb will definitely spook them from my experience.
i was recovering a deer aftter dark and when walking a trail a big buck stood there staring at me. he did not even seem worried and were talking 15 yards here. i was worried i was going to get charged. i dont think the light itself scares all deeer. its the guy holding it or smell
That is why I am now working on a set of headlights that can be attached to a bow or rifle. They will just stand there for you while you gather your wits. No more target panic.
I like a green light, red works well too, I hear. But mostly I just use a regular Maglight and point it directly at the ground in a wider beam. I don't flash it ahead or around, I just kind of project a halo of light around my feet. I always use a light in the dark...the only thing I fear in any of my broadheads. I may be deathly allergic if I ever catch one!
Walked right up on some does bedded down a few weeks ago. I had a red light on and got to within 20 yards of them. I stood there for a while thinking they'd get up but never did. I flashed my white at them real quick and DANG did they haul butt!!!
:DVery intersting topic here! I have always wondered that myself...usually use a green light and aim it towards the ground, but yet have still bumped deer...yrs ago I hunted this spot where it seemed the deer religiously bedded up right behind this ladys house and it was my only way to a come in....yep it didnt matter if I used a light or not....they would always bust me reguardless!:D
I do not believe my head light scares deer, couple reasons, my light is just powerful enough to see the ground and major objects. Second when i have been out spotlighting with a very powerful light they do not seem to mind the powerful why a little headlight?
I do not think a light spooks a deer at all. It most places they have learned to live with artificial light. I have used a light and had deer 30 seconds later under my tree, IMO the animal wearing the light is what they fear.
Two years ago Mike and I were setting up our camera gear in the morning about an hour before light. Mike was shining his white headlamp on the camera arm as I tightened the ratchet strap when all of a sudden he whispers "deer". I look down and his headlamp is shining right on a doe as she walked past our stands. Never looked up, didn't have a care in the world. A few weeks ago on our walk into a morning stand we walked up on a nice 130" or bigger buck with our headlamps on. He looked our way, then trotted off down the hill when we got within 20 yards or so. In conclusion, no I don't think they scare deer. As someone already pointed out, you're much quieter with them on than without them. I'll take being quiet over not being seen in the dark any day.