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Do a Euro mount start to finish in 5 hours

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by bloodcrick, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. bloodcrick

    bloodcrick Moderator/BHOD Prostaff

    Jul 24, 2008
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    southern Indiana
    OK boys and girls, I hang a little at and found this. I thought it was interesting and thought you might to. He claimes it can be done in 5 hours but you can take your time if need be. Remember these are Taxidermist and they benifit by turning work out fast. I learned some things from it, like not having to let your skull bask in 40% peroxide for a week and then setting it in the sun for awhile. Heat is the ticket ;) SO, If your not wanting to wait on your taxi for three to four months and dont mind getting your hands dirty, here you go!!! I know alot of folks are doing the Euros now so i thought id help a brotha and maby some sistas :tu:,125076.0.html

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