Yeah, it's not the new bow I'm hiding, she could not care less how I spend my money. She'll never notice one way or the other and even if she did she wouldn't care that I bought a new bow. It's that if she finds out I'm hunting in August that will make me catch flack for hunting in November. As to the meat, I brought a big cooler with me and there are several processors in the area. I'm not worried about that.
long day today, will post some pics tomorrow but I was in some deer this afternoon- mulie doe up close and a quartet of bucks, closest being 200 yards when I spotted them, moving on an angle away on the adjacent ridge. That area is teeming with deer and deer sign...unfortunately I almost got flooded in- every road had a river running over it, I tried 4/5 roads in and out before the 5th finally got me out- and barely. The rains out here are insane. Passed a wrecked SUV on the interstate on my way in, looked like it hydroplaned and then rolled several times. Pics tomorrow, I am too tired.
thanks! The weather just is not cooperating. Rained all night over there and I barely made it out as it was, and supposed to start raining again later this AM. The roads in and out (all dirt) were a mess. I thought about driving further north today to avoid the rains, but I would be looking at a 4-5 hour drive and I can't justify there and back on the same day. So, going to skip today, take care of some work, and take off next Friday afternoon and get back at it then in the same area.
this had rolled several times, the roof was crushed toys and stuff falling out of the back glass. Hopefully everyone was strapped in when these storms roll in, it gets almost pitch dark click this link, it's a panoramic and too big to load on the main page
These tracks were not there on my way in (those are my footprints) Per the sign in book, nobody had been back there since some hikers on August 13. Hey Bae, where's your baby daddy?
She was only about 30 yards away, as you can see my phone's camera sucks. I didn't even bother to try and get the bachelor group on camera. They were hard enough to stay on with binos. Yeah I am regretting going the cheap route with the Bushnell binos, they kind of have a fish eye effect. Claim to have a 225' FOV at 1000 yards, but I can say at 250 the focused FOV is about the size of a mule deer buck. When they are on the move it was really hard to stay on them. Oh well, they will be fine for whitetail woods hunting. I actually ended up using the 6x magnification on the rangefinder more than the binos- not as zoomed in obviously but a larger focused FOV.
All this makes me wish I was there too! Has to be a hell of an experience regardless if you connect. Best of luck and keep the updates coming.
Dnoodles......Can you call in sick to work for a week while working out of state? Maybe visit a local dive bar and swab 30 noses until you get a pos covid test to present via zoom right before you enter the Arizona outback?
haha, you can bet I am kind of hoping to re-get C19. If so I will be quarantining out of the back hatch of my work SUV in SE Arizona!
that spot is teeming with deer and deer sign. I am treating this as a scouting opportunity more than an actual hunt. If I get lucky I get lucky. If I don't, the tag is good through December.
Arizona woman missing after swept away by floodwaters in Utah's Zion National Park Last couple paragraphs reference the area where I was at. It was gnarly. I wasn't worried about being swept away, as there was plenty of high ground; just being forced to shelter in place for who knows how long.
Heck Noodles. I got stranded 2 times this past spring for 6 days both times at my cabin due to flooding. Wasn't half bad. Did have to call a buddy who picked me up at the road (1/2 mile away) and bring me into town for supplies tho. Just shot 9 arrows again after 6 beers. The song "When You Get on the Whiskey" let somebody else drive is going through my mind now
scattered thunderstorms all week in the area. I will call the area NFWS desk Thursday to see what's up.