Do any of you guys have any experience with DLC line of trail cameras? I'm looking around online at trail cameras and I really don't have the least bit of experience with them, or know what brands I should be looking at really. I found a used DLC Covert II for a pretty decent price that I'm considering making an offer on, but I don't want to until I receive some input. Thanks in advance!
I think Scott Used a DLC covert and reviewed it in his blog. Check on the main page If i remember it was favorable and he was pretty impressed
How would you personally feel about buying a camera used? The camera I'm looking at is posted in a classifieds section online and the person has 193 different feedbacks with 100% of them being positive.
My brother bought 2 of these a couple months ago. They are VERY sensitive camera's. Up until last week he's had great success with these 2 cams. One of them Is now taking pics when nothing Is showing. He's not sure If It's because the battery level Is down or because there's something wrong. He's going to put new battery's In It and see what happens. The pic quality Is great with these cams. These camera's are almost Identical to the Bushnell Trophy cams but Instead these Coverts use a remote. The remote Is the only thing I don't care for so far with these Coverts.
Got your PM Brandon and I know you read the blog, but here is one I wrote. After using the 5 cameras I bought this past Summer, I am still very pleased with them. The only complaint I have is that some of the night IR pics are blurry if the animal is moving. Then again, the only camera that I have seen that doesn't have this problem is the Reconyx. The solution I have to this is to have it take 3 pics every time it triggers. Which I would do anyways when its on a trail. The only thing I have heard is that the cams with the white remote don't work as well. Then again, it may just be the remote. If you do get one, you should be very happy with it. For a "cheaper" camera, its probably one of the only ones I will buy. Hell, I will probably buy at least 5 more this next year for camp.
Unfortunately the camera was a little too good of a deal and was sold before the owner was able to get back to me. I was pretty sure I was going to buy it too. Thanks for all the input however, you guys were really helpful.
I ended up finding another deal on a Covert II that I ended up taking advantage of. I can't wait to get it and put it up! I'm hoping to get some pictures of some bucks before they start dropping their antlers. I do need some advice however... When hanging my camera up, how do I know that I have it positioned as I'd like it to be without pulling the SD card out, going home and checking, and going back out to make adjustments? Do you guys have a strategy that works pretty well? I already know exactly where I'm going to put it. We have a huge ground scrape line running along one of our logging roads that should work out perfectly.
There's a couple different things you can do. Carry a digital camera with you and view the pics from it. Buy a veiwer made by Moultrie or Cuddeback or some of the other companies. Or you could purchase one of those digital picture frames that accepts sd cards. Just make sure it will operate on batteries. Blessings.....Pastorjim
Lol thanks pastorjim... for some reason I never even thought about it running off of an SD card. I'll just do a few walk bys and then pop the SD card into our camera. Thanks for the idea haha.