Utah has 4,358,797 seasons. Or at least it seems that way. Cow elk tags are mostly 'any weapon' but lots of luck getting in bow range. The OTC archery elk tags are just for archery and season is really early. Middle of August through almost the middle of Sept. I can send you the application guide book if you want. It makes the seasons very slightly less confusing. heh I'm taking my rifle to Wyoming for pronghorns. I think they are any weapon tags.
I think Wyoming would be a blast for her! A little easier hunting. She's never killed an animal so that might be perfect! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thought I'd share this.. This young woman worked at Barnes (same place my hubby works), she pulled the Elk Sportsman's Tag. They give out ONE. Completely random drawing. (no non-residents... neener, neener!) Then she got in a bad car wreck and nobody thought she'd be able to hunt. Watch the video. [video=youtube_share;Z33lmR_YgVg]http://youtu.be/Z33lmR_YgVg[/video]
Just remember in Wyoming and other places if you don't see a sign for road it might be private drive. Most places are marked private, but not all. A lot of BLM land is landlocked by private and they can control both. Have fun in Wyoming. Lots of antelope. I've been out there and used map with road on it that was private. Again, make sure roads are marked or you are chancing having a pissed off rancher come at you. Game wardens were involved with us which was fine. No charges pressed. We shot 3 antelope on BLM ground but drove on private road to it. It was marked on map and the GPS chip I bought for wyoming. Basically putting a private drive on state map.
Thanks for the info, I've heard some stories very similar. I know there's not much access in unit 23, that's why there's always tags leftover. I have ordered the BLM maps, and I'm looking into ordering the map for my computer from OnX maps. I'm also going to contact Game and Fish for their list of landowners. I'm hoping to find a landowner that will let me use their property to access one one of the land locked BLM areas. Who know's if I'll be successful, but it's worth a shot.
I believe that is the unit we went to. Is it southwest of Gillette? I have a wyoming state map chip that shows names of landowners if you are interested. I probably won't use it again. Idaho and Colorado is where I plan to elk hunt for awhile. Feel free to pm me with any questions about that unit if you want. We went for rifle season. I believe a lot of the unit is blm, but not much for antelope in some spots. Others have a lot of antelope. I would go a day or two ahead to scout.
Yes, that's the unit I'll most likely end up with. I'm putting in for a different unit as first choice, but with no preference points, I'm sure I won't get it and this is my fall back unit. I think I'm planning on going the a few days ahead of rifle season so I can give it a shot with the bow, and then have the first couple days of rifle season in case I don't have any luck w. the bow.
I thought you knew that anyone cool enough to be part of Team Driven has an open invite. Elk or yotes, come on out. FrogTosser (big, goofy Greg) is trying to figure out how to hunt out here this fall/winter. Maybe with a rifle for cow elk. So I'm goofy now huh, and Sitka doesn't make a purse so HA! I'm going back to Colorado in Sept with Pat to try to kill another biggun, Dan you should come with, we are both bringing our families and trying to get Christine to be our navigator too.
It's not done yet, my taxidermist is a little backed up. Hopefully done by the summer. Are u going the 3rd week too?
Most likely will go same week as last year which I'd call the 4th (last) week. Archery this year is 8/29 - 9/27. The 3rd week would be overlapping with the muzzleloader season (Muzzy is 9/12-9/20). We have always gone final week, except for 2013 we went week before muzzleloader (went 9/7-9/13 that year I believe). So...odds are we'd arrive 9/19 this year... What are you guys looking at?
I ment tge 3rd week of September not of the season, I am planning on hunting the 20th through the 25th. I am hoping to fill my tag in the first couple days because if I do I'm probably gonna get an elk tag then and hunt for them. If u want an extra guy I'll be around hint, hint.
And I hope to fill by elk tag the first couple days...which would make me available to guide I hope you guys can keep filling the mule deer tags - it's fun to see any animal being brought into camp!
Yes extremely goofy! Lol. I don't know if I'll be able to swing it this year. Might try to get my wife on an antelope with a rifle this year! Would love to get back after the elk though. I'm going 2016 for sure! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dont go out to zone D14 in cali looking for mule deer. out of 3,000 people last year. its had 4.3% success rate. haha