You're in the stand and have a large mature buck come in at an angle where you cannot take a normal shot. He stops 8' from the base of your tree and turns to return the same way he came in. This is your ONLY chance at him. What pin do you use? I had this happen last night and afterwards found out the answer to this question. Thanks MOBOW and GR8!
That's a tough shot Mark. It's one I wouldn't take but you knew that already. It still hurts doesn't It? You'll get another shot at another good buck yet, stick with It my friend!! Your on these guys!!
I have been told that shooting straight down you use your bottom pin...I have no idea, I have never taken that shot. I am curious to know the correct answer though!
That shot distance depending on your setup, if I use my first pin(20yds for me) I will shoot low, for me it's about 4''. I just aim a bit higher.
i have made myself look like a fool on shots under 10' shooting 3-d. if i used my top pin i would miss by shooting too low. so i learned that i have to use my bottom pin on a shot like that. it seemed backwards at first. but it worked.
3 yard tree shot 30 yard pin right on. The arrow is still climbing and has not hit the top of the arch. I have not tried it on an animal yet but that's what I've been told by some serious shooters.
Ask Iowa how that worked out.. Told ya buddy..that's harder than a 20 yarder. Seems like you can shoot from the hip, and quite honestly, it would probably be easier that way. You'll get another chance..but I'm deducting 10" for every miss
I was at a 3D shoot over the summer with a real close shot and I had to use my 3rd pin to hit the 12 ring.
The straight down shot is as difficult as it gets. It's impossible to bend at the waist enough to keep the perfect "T" shooting form and ther's no trjectory so essentially you need to sight down your arrow. This is a shot that must be practiced to know for sure how to handle it but generally speaking, use your pin closest to the arrow. Your farthest distance pin. Man that's a tough break brother. U sleep ok last night? Lol
The height of the hunter has a lot to do with what pin you use. For me and my setups, I could kill that deer with the 20yd pin. Not holding directly on it of course. I haven't killed a deer at 3yds but I have 5yds. It's all relative to the hunter, the bow, and the height of the treestand. If it's on the ground at 3 yds, then I agree with the bottom pin assesment, I've been there with 3d tournaments. Jeff is on target with his assesment.
I used to practice pretty in tight shots(down to about 3-4 yds) I only had to hold a little bit high for those in tight ones. How much depends on each person & where thier anchor relative to thier eye is.
I shoot one pin, so I'm screwed. :D J/K...honestly, I've never had/let a deer get that close to me. I've always shot them first.
I think I would have to pass since I have never attemped at shot like that...haven't even practice it? So I have no idea where the arrow would hit on what is already a low percentage shot to begin with.