this is interesting ....... I make no claims for or against this .... I just thought it interesting .....
I'm no fan of obama but I hold this at the same level as the 911 conspiracy theories, someone with too much time on their hands.
Interesting video to sat the least. Only it seems lately that Barry's approval ratings are in the dumps....for health care and his handling of the economy. Rasmussen now reports that opposition to ObamaCare has hit its highest level yet at 55%. I don't wan't to jump the gun, but this cat might very well be a one termer. America is waking up to Washington's corruption, the latest tea party protest proves it. Come mid-term elections, many of the democrat drones will be voted out for their handling of the town halls and ignorance to thier constituants. I know it could all turn for the worst at any time, but the pendulum might just swing back a little early. To win a second term, and sucessfully finish the Obamination and his "one world order".....the "anti-christ" will have to lead a lot more from the center, instead of trying to fullfill so many "liberal dreams of sugerplums" for his left wing loons.
Or is it someone that knows the language and is reporting what he knows? I mean, it would be oneheckofa coincidence .... Pig .... I thought the same thing about his popularity ..... it will have to change before I start "lookin up" never know .... look how fast everyone cuddled around Bush after 911 ...... it wasn't long before they were stabbing him in the back again ....
I absolutely lost faith in the American people when they re-elected Clinton to a second term... so NOTHING would surprise me in the least -- especially an even slicker-talking liberal promising free handouts to get re-elected.