Raining, snowing and cold but I got up. I was in the Pin Oak stand well before light. This is the first time I've hunted either stand in the AM and with Tony the other night, I saw a dandy from this stand but he was just out of range for Tony. So I thought I'd see what's going on in the mornings here. Well after first light I look down to my food plot and see a deer standing about 20 yards from my other stand. I raise the binoculars and #*$@! What a stud. I'm glassing at least a 140 white, heavy main beamed buck, at least 18" wide (around his ears) with 8-10" G2's and 3's. It appears he has split brows and is a 10 point. He was with a six point. I waited to see what they were going to do but once he started away it was time to talk to him. I grunted a couple times and he didn't hear me as he was 200 plus yards away so I got louder. Yup, he heard that and with some calls later I noticed Tony's Mr 7 point. I had them coming, all 3. At 100 yards they hit a community scrape in the CRP field. The big buck pushed them off it, checked it, urinated in it and started coming. Then the little six started messing with him and they spared. The little buck ran and of all directions, away. The big bast' followed. They fed in the plot and although I called a couple times, he wasn't interested now and slowly fed away and around the corn field edge. I'm confident without the little bucks interference, I would have loosed an arrow at him. Always my luck. Happened 2 years ago too when that 4.5 year old came out directly under my plot stand when I was in the Pin Oak stand! I should learn LOL. :p Hopefully he sticks around. This afternoon Ben and I are headed to twilds for a nanny fest and possible buck party. The buck better be impressive after what I saw I have in my Honey Hole.
You didn't want that buck anyway Rob, he has both sides of his rack. Sounds like you've got a good one running around up there. Good luck getting on him.
Bummer Rob. I've been there before sitting & watching a buck go by another stand...never a 140 though. Good luck meeting him again from the right tree.
Rob .. I hope you miss :p Seriously, Bro .... he will be back ...you'll get him ...I am thinking he should be patternable for a week or so ...maybe .... I look forward to seein you behind him
After watching the vid, I'm not sure what Tony's "range" would be. :p Good luck with the buck, Rob. Sounds like a dandy.
You may have made the right choice. If you went to the other stand he might have been there and you may have blown him out. It's hard to move in on a food plot in the morning with out bumping deer.
That isn't very nice of you Tony LOL, Rob i think i'm going to call off sick and i'm headed down to your place since you will be down at Twilds, enjoy the nanny wacking while i'm shoting that buck.:p LOL This is just as wrong but, oh well, i have to. Sorry Tony. I can see it now PT seeing that Buck and attempting to shot him. SWING AND A MISS just jking!!!!!!!!!
Wow, that's amazing. Too bad he was coming, too. That just get's your blood going, and then...nothing. You will put him down.
You said he was a ten point, and 10 is an even number. You should have known when you seen him you didnt stand a chance! :D Its destiny, your ment to kill freaks!
Guys I hope to see him again and in range! We had a good night here at twilds. Ben spotted a buck immediately and then a six and a 5 came by us. That was it til about dark when I came to full draw on a doe and was just applying pressure to the trigger when they spooked. I looked out and Ben was out of his tree what I would call "early".
I made it back home from Rob's, I saw the 140 but he was at the other stand, i picked the wrong stand just as you did Rob, maybe Rob will kill him!!!!!!:p JKing Sorry to here about your doe experience Rob, Everyone else to anxious to get to HOOTERS??????????????????????
You know he's there now Rob. I think knowing you have a buck of that caliber in the area has to get you going, and I look forward to seeing the hero shot with him.