....that we had a cajun smoked hind quarter that wasn't even touched,....guess the elk burgers were enough.
I saw it thawing and said something to Doug but like you said, I think everyone had very full bellies and very satisfied. Would have been interesting around the campfire late that night though. Can you say munchies!
LOL As well as this sentence added to meet the character minimum. Oh and by the way fella's, If you don't have the advanced window to add smilies, pictures, bold, Italic etc..etc...you need to change your appearance in your User CP, Settings and Options, go down to Miscellaneous Options and change your Message Editor Interface to Enhanced.
You, cause I had to figure it out for ya. :D (Disclaimer: That was a joke as to not offend anyone who might not have figured it out yet)
Think your a smart guy don't ya???? Well, I suppose you sort of are, or maybe you're an ADMIN on another site...... . . . . . . . . Thanks Rob!!!
Ya, that reminds me, I should thaw some. :D Ben's coming over tomorrow night for me to work on a bow, I know he'll want some.