It's time for Dewclaw Archery’s annual bowhunting photo contest and this year we’re upping the ante by giving the winner a brand new Quest QS 31 compound bow with 70lb draw weight. Last year’s contest was a big hit and we appreciated everyone who entered and shared their hunting photos. This year’s contest rules are below. To view full rules and submission guidelines as well as an example of what a winning photo looks like visit: Contest Rules The photo can be of any game animal (deer, elk, bear, fish, boar etc) The photo should be in a natural setting (no garages or backs of trucks) There should be minimal if any blood on the animal or in the photo Lighting and camera angles are important and enhance the photo Avoid sending low grade pictures (cell phone, etc) If you’ve got a little story that goes along with the photo, please share it with us Good luck to all and we're looking forward to seeing your photos! Thanks, Dewclaw Archery Supplies