every other year the farmers plant beans at the end of my road. and of course the deer follow . i do not like this they jus started shooting in these fields 5 years ago the deer numbers have been reduced dramatically . it is infuriating to me that they shoot them so early with the fawns still on the tit.the reason for my poll is that these two so called hunters stopped here today an told me they were gonna be shooting soon.i told them to not shoot my bucks there is one old buck down there that i might have to stalk soon . they sadi they wouldnt i asked them how many they were gonna take they said we got 50 tags . i said you shoot over 10 deer ooutta that herd and i will be hunting you1!your thoughts please
in our area I'd say it would be fine if they just restricted it to does... we're pretty much overrun by does...